Michael Vick Walk Off Scramble Touchdown! Week 13, 2002 FULL GAME – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Max Murphy

Petition to get Michael Vick into the Hall of Fame.


I remember looking at this game and this the second best 🏃 by QB

Fantasy Fan Panel

Mike Vick was my favorite player growing up!

    Max Murphy

    Who wasn’t?

Christopher P

Ahhhh the good ol’ days of the dollar menu. Take me back please.

    Max Hodder


Da boiii cool

Such A good Play

brandon cooks

I met Michael Vick when I was 12 at a flag football charity event he was forced to host after coming out of prison for killing dogs

Monaghan Boy

Best qb all time!

    Alex S

    Tom Brady: Really?

    Al D

    Yea, if he could throw better .must not know football

    Max Murphy

    @Al D Vick had the strongest throwing arm of all time, u must not know football


    I’m from Virginia, Tech is my Alma Mater and I absolutely LOVE the Vick boys! But, let’s be honest here. He isn’t even close to being the best qb of all time!!! He was electric, explosive, elusive and much more. But he is NOT the best qb of all time…

    Max Hodder


Cole Cooper

He was a great qb but really ruffed up a big chunk of his career.


Man it was different watching the NFL as a kid! I still love it as an adult but as a kid this game meant EVERYTHING to my Sunday!


Random as hell but I’m never gonna complain this is a great game


Vick was the most excited qb to watch because he can throw and run like a lion

Joel Fernandez

2:48:46 The play that made Michael Vick famous

Christopher Spearline

As a Pittsburgh native I still remember that Falcons vs Steelers game watch it again not long ago

Maurice Mayfield

FOX: the greatest network for NFL football ever.

matthew gates

46 yard run to win the game !

Miss ya Coach Reeves!

Al D

Now, he’s not even the best running QB ever. And his 80 lifetime passer rating is sorry. Great game though

Tyrod Taylor

This could have been one of the greatest game winners of all time, but Kenny albert destroyed it totally with his awfully bored commentary

Melanie Brown

The football gods are smiling at this glorious randomness cuz no one searched for this.


You know youre old when you used to watch bootleg versions of classic nfl games on early days of youtube and not the official NFL youtube channel is uploading the legit versions plus kept the ads during the broadcast.

jflow 1992

Talk about a trip down memory lane, they even have the old commercials!

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