Mic’d Up: Packers Offensive Coordinator Nathaniel Hackett – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Dominic The Football Fan

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Tony Alves

Not sure if I’m watching the packers Offensive coordinator or a sketch comedy skit 😁

Saul Orosco

Lafleur is trash!!! Arod carries the Packers 💯get arod an oline and a defense ASAP!!!!

    Deborah F.

    @hj Neither Gutey or Lafleur are trash.

    Simeon Givens

    Gute has been successful in both draft accept for that crucial mistake of draft a qb in the “first” round.

    Tony Alves

    Trolling or just dumb? You tell me.

    William James

    Yeah Gute must of went 4/11 for 54 yards in the 4th quarter.


    Sound dumb asl only one trash is Mark


Will Farrell would be jealous

Clint Holmes

Fire Gute.

jack jacksin

Fire Gutekunst


Buncha Vikings fans trolling these comments trying to pretend to be Packers fans, to attempt to make Packers fans look bad.
Little do they know that true Packers fans are about the G on helmet. The team and franchise will be around a lot longer than any one player. We don’t support just singular players, we support and are loyal to TEAM and FRANCHISE!

    Clint Holmes

    Fire gute. Because the franchise would be better without him.


Nate’s the best!

Tom Deas

Love his energy

Jose Salinas

Finally packers media are more doing micd up the packers always had the shortest micd up segments

Ethan Peot

I need a Jordan love comp plz

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