Miami Dolphins LB Elandon Roberts Press Conference | September 11, 2020 – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Ariel James

Lovely 😍💋 💝💖❤️

Finfan4lyfe Dude

Gosh I really despise these reporters! These football players are not super heroes, they are not politicians. Reporters putting them on pedestals and won’t stop pushing the narratives of their political ideological minds! Ughhhhhh…

    Angel Tomlinson

    Football players are allowed to have political opinions. They are citizens of the US just like us. Just because they make a lot of money doesn’t mean they should shut up about what’s going on around them. I mean don’t they have to vote in elections too? Don’t they live in this country too? Don’t they have feelings too? Lol

    Finfan4lyfe Dude

    Angel Tomlinson yes, agreed, however, my point only, was that the reporters, asking agenda driven questions at every press conference in my opinion is to keep pushing the progressive divide and conquer ideology on any player that doesn’t flatten their quest quickly enough, its frustrating to see them constantly being used as smarter than or better than others because their jobs.

    Angel Tomlinson

    Finfan4lyfe Dude I understand your sentiments but I don’t feel like they’re asking these questions because they think football players are “smarter” than others, it’s more of a casualty. Football players naturally get interviewed everyday, people like us do not, I’m sure if we were in some sort of position where we had to be interviewed by reporters everyday, we would be asked the exact same questions. I guess it’s weird that I have an appreciate knowing that these players know what’s going on and aren’t numb to it or ignoring it. I would also be perfectly fine if the reporters didn’t ask those type of questions at all and just focused on football. I think however things play out we should respect it and move forward. Everyone has different views. Thank you for sharing your opinion!

Finfan4lyfe Dude

Reporters!!!!!!! Football only!!!!!

Finfan4lyfe Dude

Football players!!!!!!!! NOT GODS, they run they catch, they tackle and they make reallllllllly good money to do so, that’s it!

Finfan4lyfe Dude

It’s the sport and the passion, not the individual… they try to make them all out to be presidents, elites, movie stars, all that comes with the big money, but keep it f in real could ya?

Sally Tomlinson

Really nice 👌 😍💋 💝💖❤️


Omar doing Omar things again I see.

Babybruh25 DolphinFan

That Dark Grind though…finger snaps…

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