Miami Dolphins Head Coach Brian Flores Press Conference | September 17, 2020 – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
aiden steinberg


Logan Draluck



Hope Coach knows what he’s doing cuz we still suck


    @Lifeisagamble Elbmagasiefil You will hit one day! Lol

    Lifeisagamble Elbmagasiefil

    BigJDoinBigThangz! When I’m old probably and I hope it doesn’t take Miami Dolphins until I’m old to see good dolphin football

    Lifeisagamble Elbmagasiefil

    BigJDoinBigThangz! Lol

    jorge l

    @Mike Pelligrino i dont know if u notice but we r still rebuilding ….nobody is expecting the fins to go to the superbowl this year

    jorge l

    @BigJDoinBigThangz! first off like i told the other guy we r still rebuilding no one is expecting the fins to go to the superbowl this year and go undefeated ….new defense scheme offense …new o-line players …..n no preseason ……plus everyone here knows fitz is a bipolar when it comes to playing quaterback 1 game he looks like tom brady next game game he looks like ryan leaf ….and i truly believe that if it wasnt for those 3int we wouldnt have loss by 11 points !!!

Lifeisagamble Elbmagasiefil

This type of season wow coach at the end it’s still the same size football if I’m not mistaken…. excuses after excuses. I think he’s made more excuses due to this offseason more than any other coach combined! Fins up no matter what but man it’s getting hot in here!


    @Lifeisagamble Elbmagasiefil comprehension is very important and that was not what he was saying but if your a negative person you’ll negativity in everything someone says I guess


    Is it me or does CHAN GAILEY look really pale and sickish. On his first interview he looked happy to be out of the house etc but now he looks more like…what the hell did I do???! IMO. I HOPE TO GOD I’M WRONG. A convincing win over Buffalo will due away with all the doubters for at least a week but TUA needs to start game 3 or 4. Why wouldn’t he? Someone explain that to me PLEASE because our coaching staff won’t give an honest and straightforward answer period. If we play Tua and he loses at least he’ll be getting NFL experience. If we play Fitz and we lose WHAT WAS THE UPSIDE???? SOMEONE PLEASE???? What’s the idea? I don’t think we are shooting for the Superbowl so why not start Tua and continue building around him. We’ve been told he’s healthy and the line looked impressive on pass-pro at least so WTF??? After watching my BELOVED MIAMI DOLPHINS FOR 30 YEARS I am due WE are due for success or at least give success the best FREAKING SHOT and that starts with TUA on the field. If I’m wrong PLEASE explain it to me. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME!

    Lifeisagamble Elbmagasiefil

    DOLPHINATOR I hope he isn’t sick but I did get a good laugh lol and in my opinion he is here to help Flores offensively but I also think gailey will be a better high school head coach at this point and probably the only organization that thought of calling gailey last 4 years is Miami Dolphins I don’t think he would be on another team after this in the nfl

    TW Bluff

    Lifeisagamble Elbmagasiefil in multiple interviews he’s stated that everyone’s going through the same thing. I don’t think he’s using covid as an excuse, personally.


    @Lifeisagamble Elbmagasiefil Yeah I also believe this may be his last stop professionally speaking. Maybe Fitz could take over. We’ve mentioned Fitz could be our next quarterbacks coach but I’ll go even further. If he still wants to be involved in football even though he’s got a few kids that will demand more time as they get older he could end up becoming a great OC. He builds up great chemistry with the players he’s smart (HARVARD GRADUATE) but it’s all about the love of the game. Does he love it enough to invest even longer hours then he did as a player taking in consideration that he doesn’t need the money etc etc. It’s an interesting situation. Time will tell.

Rimoni Tauoa

No team play to lose!!!always strive to WIN!No Excuses!Next few teams seems to have fast pace Offense ,we need to be faster like Dolphins 🐬lesshhhgoo

    Bruce Key

    I’ve noticed too that Flores NEVER talks about the importance of WINNING. He’s always talking about getting better and his precious packages…dude aint cut out for this.

    Lifeisagamble Elbmagasiefil

    Bruce Key I’m getting bashed by fans and can’t seem to understand what exactly they see because all I see is a coach who loves to play his best players out of position


Yall need to chill its 1 game lmao

    Damien Sanchez

    Sebatnt glad you have a brain

    Gianfranco Raccuglia

    Bruce Key it’s not more than that. Belicheck is the best coach in the game, we only lost by 10 points with 3 turnovers. It’s only week 1.

    Benjamin Alan

    People overreacting when there’s been no preseason and they’ve only been together as a group a month

    Dolphin Zone

    Mike Pelligrino Gailey’s offense will pick up but Flores knew that our old OC’s system was too complicated for any of the players to grasp

    Anthony 25

    Like someone mentioned previously, it’s ONE game! I’d “sign” up anyday for 7-9 to 9-7 season and make the playoffs, but realistically the plan and expectation to win is next year. At least I hope so.

alex hernandez

I’m having second thoughts about Flores

    Mike Pelligrino

    Me too. Why we needed 8 new coaches raises a red flag as well as 5-12. And his inability to handle Micah. He’s no fun for the fans.


    That’s how I feel after seeing this interview lol

    Justin Howard

    Me too

Finfan4lyfe Dude

Love ya coach! We need you to get our guys ready! Win.. no excuses. You’re the leader! Rip into these guys, fin fans tired of being laughed at!

    Benjamin Clutter

    Due to that comment I must say this. Start with I support anybody that supports their team I don’t have the view everybody’s team sucks except the dolphins other than New England because everyone outside of Boston that’s a New England fan jumped on the bandwagon. All to say I was in Walmart one day and someone was wearing I can’t remember what team but he’s wearing some NFL gear and I gave him a nod like all right then support your team. He stopped saying oh you like whichever team it was I replied no I’m a dolphin fan he looked at me straight faced and said why? I went on to explain I was born in North Florida graduated in south central Florida and I’ve always supported them even though they’ve never been anything but a few Mediocre years. But it was quite comical of the guys face when he said WHY!!

Finfan4lyfe Dude

What’s up with our rookie, yanking Cams necklace? Almost makes us wonder how grateful whoever did that is to be in the NFL, bad sign of disrespect to Bflo, Dolphins, as a whole, game one loss and scar on how much these players care! Childish and team looked it, not ready


    That is the Brooklyn coming out of the team lol Coach Flo is from Brooklyn

thatkid_bryan 23

Imagine saying we don’t need Flores 😐

Christian Spaschak

Never forget Flores’ defensive genius made the Rams offense look like a high school team in the super bowl, its a long season and Flo definitely has a lot of tricks up his sleeve that we have yet to see.

    Mike Pelligrino

    AFTER Flores left ,the Pats had the #1 defense in the league.

    Christian Spaschak

    @Mike Pelligrino COOL, he more than proved himself last year everyone wants to play here all of a sudden

Mike Gowdy

My problem is for 20yrs I watched my Dolphins lose because our weakness on offensive line they finally played well, I mean well! And the quarterback looks so week whats next?

    Mike Pelligrino

    Pray for new ownership



Dolphin Zone



Move on to Buffalo….

TW Bluff

Hopefully we will see improvement this season like we saw at the end of last season. I want us to improve faster this season though because we have better players.

Xenofan Allen

I was done with him after he fired the offensive coordinator after one season when the passing game was the best part of the team last year. Dolphins don’t know what the hell they’re doing too many idiots in the organization and it starts with the owner.

Finfan4lyfe Dude

I meant no more excuses. Not aimed at Bflo, aimed at players. He’s changed the players we had, I kinda like most, but as for them winning the chess games we need to win, it’s not pretty at least game one was embarrassing again..

Finfan4lyfe Dude

Let’s pray our defense can stop someone, teams pass on us like it’s Christmas morning in the lottery winning house. Might as well handTD’s and points to opponents.

Itsme Itsme

Let’s get this W

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