Miami Dolphins Head Coach Brian Flores Meets With the Media | September 1, 2020 – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Tha Don

1st Phins Up

Thomas Blume

shane battier is the goat


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Mike Pelligrino

Flores is so scared of the media

    Anthony Giandiletti

    First you troll the Big O show, now you here bro. Get a life. So sad man smh πŸ˜‚

    Mike Pelligrino

    @Anthony Giandiletti
    Are u kidding me?? I havent looked at that show in 8 months! LOL Sorry if you’re sad…..

    Anthony Giandiletti

    Mike Pelligrino bro cuz you got kicked off πŸ˜‚πŸ€«

    Mike G

    LMAO no he isn’t. You always make these ridiculous claims without any evidence to back it up.

    M R

    @kinghamp10 and taking a knee

Itsme Itsme


Marc S

He likes teasing the media. It’s unfortunate that we have so little access to training camp info. Dolphins are bungling this.

David Watts

Its Coach, not Flo – throw some respect on the position, troops.

Richard Arroyo

Coach flo is a ball buster lmfao

Bradford pear


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