Mekhi Becton’s Path To The Jets | New York Jets | NFL – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
E Bizzle

This proves just how IMPORTANT having BOTH parents in the young mans life to help with success, that’s including the father in a young mans life especially for direction, toughness, how to act & how to respect others while also working hard!

Trollasaurus Rex

I’m happy he’s a jet, now the offense of line gonna be solid

Charles Vasquez

Go Get It Becton! Wish you the best and success!

William Justice

How long have Dems run Richmond again? Man they’re good at keeping crime at a minimum for the lucky inhabitants 😂. Good for Mekhi for getting out from under their form of domination 👍


    Its not dems it neo librialism and conservatism have ruined america

    William Justice

    VMan29397 Nope, like in Baltimore, Philly & Camden, only the dems show this capacity for serving their own voters so very well 😂 The only question is why they’d keep voting dem and expect anything to change


Ik a few Giants fans who really wanted this kid. Hope our guy ends up being waay better. He better!


Well done

MinePlay 512

This Tackle is a future all pro!

Nik Reiter

So basically this is just a recap of One Jets Drive…thanks….

Peter Carrasquillo

After what I’ve been seeing from him I’m confident that our line has been fixed he’s a monster


An exact replay of the Mekhai Becton portion (sans the first 6 1/2 mins) from last Tuesday’s One Jets Drive. Way to stay pumping out fresh new content Eric Allen & Co. maintaining the Jets reputation for being a Poverty Franchise. #LAZYAF

Menji 50

J E T S jets jets jets

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