McCarthy Press Conference | Dallas Cowboys 2022 – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

McCarthy Press Conference | Dallas Cowboys 2022

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Freaky Mike!!!!! Let’s get it! #GOCOWBOYS

Art Vanderlay

This week we’re going to hit 24 penalties. That’s the goal.

    Matthew Geddis

    Cowboys should get a Trophy for the most penalties in a game🤭

    Brian Daniel

    Who cares is preseason a lot of those guys won’t be on the team no way

    Art Vanderlay

    LOL yeah, I remember Cowboy fans saying similar things in regard to McCarthy’s clock management blunders early in the season last year. Who cares if they still won the game? That worked out well in the end. Most penalties in the league the last 2 seasons but it’s only preseason, nothing to see here. SMH.


Mike McCarthy is a sorry coach said he benched dante Fowler for 1 penalty but left Ball in and the rest of the penalty line
New year same problems is it players or the coaches

    Brian Daniel

    Let me guess you don’t understand why has Ball ever played in the NFL game before🤡


    @Brian Daniel he dont deserve in nfl game

Charles Lewis

McCarthy is totally worthless as a head coach. But he’s the perfect puppet that Jerry was looking for.


    U don’t know football he does sorry it’s reality

    Brian Daniel

    You jealous

Jack Yabitch

This guy ain’t it. He needs to be put on the hot seat. Too relaxed!

    Matthew Geddis

    That’s my kind of coach, relaxed and ready for a back massage 😋

    Chris Cisneros

    Who tf are you and why should your opinion matter?

    Brian Daniel

    So you want him to sound anxious doing a press conference 💀

Lavish Londo

Fowler was only trying to get the opposition from pulling his guy off a pile. pull your own guys off a pile. shoulda kept Fowler in. Denver was damn near on the 2yard line anyway.

    Brian Daniel

    🤡 kept him in for what it’s a preseason game 🤦🏾‍♂️

    Lavish Londo

    @Brian Daniel reps with the new D.. he didn’t play much at all but played well. I do see what your saying no need to get disrespectful.


Tired of this dude

    Purp Yung

    🤣 Why

    Brian Daniel

    Why 12-5 not good enough? He’s only coached for two seasons, lost his qb the first season and went 12-5 the next plus he has no power or say over the team what the hell do you expect


He gonna fire himself. Gone after this season.

    Brian Daniel



    @Brian Daniel Not meeting team goals and expectations. A home playoff loss in the first round is a failure.

    Brian Daniel

    @OldManSwag so are you saying that every team that lost in the first round their head coach should be fired?


    @Brian Daniel No just Mike McCarthy. Dallas underachieved last year and a lot of it was coaching. I’m a true Dallas fan but I’m not in the business of lying to myself.


Sean Payton where r u


    He’s busy choking in the playoffs

    Brian Daniel

    At home trying to learn how to coach again, the saints suck

Sandra Chavez

Ask bout a swing tackle!?🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

Mr. Exxon240

Man I can’t stand this dude!! He’s actually worse than Jason Garrett as a Head Coach. Totally clueless and lost on Sundays and it’s embarrassing tbh.


    Nobody will be worse than Garrett as HC. He should have been fired after the 2013 loss to the Packers after being ahead by 23 points.

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