Matthew Stafford On Signing Contract Extension With Rams, Addition Of Allen Robinson – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

Matthew Stafford On Signing Contract Extension With Rams, Addition Of Allen Robinson

Los Angeles Rams QB Matthew Stafford talks about his decision to sign a four-year contract extension with the team and what new WR Allen Robinson will bring to the offense.

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My man QB Matthew stafford! Go Rams!!! 🐏 💙💛🏆

Rams House

What do we have here? Ah I see, the soul steeler himself. 😂 😈

    Mouad ALr

    Soul snatcher

    Rams House

    @David Textle only if you make it that way bro


    @David Textle
    Lol! This “soul snatcher” phrase seems to be a Rams MO! A’Shawn Robinson said the same thing after the SB win

    Josh Dodson

    Staff is the best!

    Anton Miller

    Mathew “Soul Reaver ” Stafford

Buddy Gass

This man is straight ice 🧊 if it’s a close game and he has the ball your gonna lose


    They call him the soul stealer


    oh yeah, clutch game.

    Adam Avelar

    That’s my mfkn QB!


    🤫 he gone out Brady to sleep once and for all

Nash Cabana-Main

Go Rams. Let’s repeat and go to another a super bowl.🏈🏈🏉🏉

    Bill Ames

    Excited to see a potential repeat. Been a Rams fan for 60 ;years.

Calen Ramsey

Matthew Stafford MVP next Season 💛💙

Chris Hernandez

Lets go Mathew can’t wait to see next season sad Robert woods is gone but the show must go on

    Foo from da 818

    Just like Freddie Mercury said


    me too for Woods 😢

Michael Armenta

Congrats Matt, you earned it! I hope you guys run it back and get another ring.


Prime time Stafford, back to back 🔥

Jack Plumb

Still amazed that Matthew Stafford got his very first Super Bowl Championship ring!

    Martin Lynch

    What a guy

Dw wil

I’m truly happy for you guys


Dudes already got his game face on for next year.


Don’t all the teams wish they had Stafford who is willing to get less for a team cuz he loves his team that much? So far I only see Brady and Stafford doing that. I feel sorry for those fans of QBs who demand highest pay but can’t deliver.

The how to channel

Former lions fan here. Now a Rams fan. Stafford is the real deal.

    Robert Newell

    Welcome 🙏🏽 to The Ramily YoungBlood!!

    Josh Dodson


    Josh Dodson

    I think he’s the best right now personally


    Welcome aboard, grab some beer and popcorn and enjoy the fun as a Ram’s fan!
    🐏 💙💛


Another great characteristic of Stafford is his humble attitude always deflecting praise from himself to his teammates.

I’m sad to see Robert Woods go and I really got attached to Von Miller sad to see him go as well. Having said that this team looks like it genuinely could run it back.

What a great story it would be if Stafford could go from 12 years in a Siberian gulag to back to back champ. I’d love to hear the haters after that.

Barney Weiss

That’s the smile of a world champion right there!

Ryan Johnson

Soul Stealin Stafford! My QB! 🤘RAMSHOUSE🤘

its Evanturetime

The man, the myth, the legend! QB1!

John Vandehey

Matthew Stafford and Kurt Warner …first year with the Rams = 🏆


Stafford is awesome on and off the field. That he is loved and missed by Detroit fans says everything. Comment after comment from Lions fans wish Matthew well. So glad he is with us long term.

    Sam Senawi

    lions fan here you guys got a diamond and we got silver bronze


    @Sam Senawi You guys got a stiff. Goff was regressing each year since the SB.

Der Wolfpack

L.A Rams fans love you Matthew. Thank you!!

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