Matthew Stafford Happy Working With Rams Wide Receivers – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

Matthew Stafford Happy Working With Rams Wide Receivers

Los Angeles Rams QB Matthew Stafford talks working with a new group of wide receivers, what he's looking forward to working on before the season starts, and how he feels when he steps on the field.

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Roolies Sanchez

I’m so excited.

Puma 22

Lets gooo stafford!!!🐏


League MVP this year lets go 🐏

    Lions Paradise


    William Blockson

    Trey Lance won’t out dual him wrong game for him. Stafford is at the right age for an athlete that much experience at that particular position. Yeah I can see. 🔥

    GPC Got2bowned

    Yes sir


This is what we needed. He is going to take us over the top and show the NFL what our offense is supposed to look like with the weapons we have. #MOBSQUAD LA RAMS all day erryday


    #MOBSQUAD !!

jokers4 poker

it’s going to be a fun year, Superbowl bound!!!

    Matthew Gudino


    Saturnino Johnson

    Rams house

    Chuck West

    I hope so.

    Elijah Goranson

    Rams house

Saturnino Johnson

one word we finally have a quarterback💪Rams Nation 🤘

    Ryan Montanez

    That’s like 5 words lol


    @Ryan Montanez 😂

Mickey Jimenez

Can’t wait to watch him in coach Mcvays offense…woa

Anthony Laws

Let’s go my favorite quarterback go number 9

William Blockson

He’ll be top 5 in the league in every category guaranteed. And I like our backup situation. Been a Rams fan for 53 years and I’m still young.💪😂👍

William Blockson

I will be buying your jersey 🔥💯

Dog Supremacy

I’ve seen his entire career, to see him on the Rams is going to be amazing. Who is playing center?

    Jeff Trulli


Eric Litster

Go Rams!!

    Matthew Gudino

    Beat Brady!!

Pro Sports Outlook

Matthew Stafford was a huge pickup by the Rams! He should be enjoying working with this talented wide receiver group!

Ram Ificationz

That cap looks sick!

Joel Fernandez

From a Bears fan, I can’t wait to see Stafford play against us week 1.

    Matthew Gudino

    He will take out Foles and Fields

    Elijah Goranson

    He’s a beast

Dog Supremacy

Young Matthew is looking thin and in top notch shape, this man is ready to win like no one else. You can hit him with a truck, he’s getting back up for the next snap. Toughest man on any field, it sounds stupid but it is accurate. I saw him almost get killed at Ford Field in a 9 sack game, against the Vikings, 6 years ago. How he was walking or continued playing I do not know. Made me very angry to see it. Patricias three wasted years were nauseating. That is why he asked for the trade, what an insult.

Jaren Dell

He sounds like a matured Jared Goff.

Patrick Reddick

Tutu atwell, djax, Robert woods, Cooper kupp, van Jefferson and Tyler higbee will put up huge numbers this year

Marcelino Martinez

That’s my quarterback!😭

joseph webber

You know I think Stafford says “YOU KNOW” just as much as Sean McVay… you know? 😂 let’s go rams!

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