Matt Rhule speaks about loss at New Orleans – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

O-line in the draft please!!!!


O-line play like middle school teams

    Tedra Joy

    Exactly so I decided that we need to boycott

Crystal Sturdivant

Matt stop coddling Sam and give him the same energy you gave Cam. Now it’s the protection? Now you have to watch the tape?


    @J people say the same about lamar jackson. They are not traditional Qbs. But guys like you will never understand until there is no more drop back passers.

    Cameron Drayton

    cam was good on the Patriots tbh but sam not making a difference either thats why they started cam but nobody can play with that O line

    Crystal Sturdivant

    @J I’m not talking about Cam versus Sam. I’m talking about the coach. When Cam had 2 turnovers he said your QB can’t have 2 turnovers. Sam had 2 today and he doesn’t have the same energy. He blamed the protection and the run game. All I’m saying is that a coach should talk about players the same regardless of who they are.

    Ethel Vee


    Spencer Mcalpine

    EXACTLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GET RID OF BOTH OF THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!


This coach is just making excuses but won’t blame himself for this team’s failure

    J Bryant

    Right! Same excuses every week

    Douglas Heun

    In fairness, he has the same lousy QBs and lousy offensive line every week.

    Spencer Mcalpine

    Pleased with the effort???? Is he serious??? Why doesnt someone ask him why he stuck with Darnold when he cant move anything down the field? I’m so sick of this guy! #fireruhle

    Ronald Norris

    @J Bryant Says same crap every week!!!!

Jai Norman

Matt Rhule Should Have Been Sent Back To College Football

    Spencer Mcalpine

    After this he may not find a job in college. Send him the high school

    Andrew hicks

    High school more like it ,,,,NFL illiterate

Sub Zero

Ok cool so now it’s the protection? Now you have to check the tape? It’s funny how when Cam started it was all on him even though he put up more points

    Ethel Vee



Please fire Matt Rhule. Lifelong panthers fan here, I can’t support this garbage anymore. He can’t coach a team

Miyamato Musashi

Coaching is being a leader.Take this man out of the football situation and would any of you follow this man through any situation that involves any type of team work?A group hike(map reading)?Putting a tent up?Framing a house?Changing a tire?Anything?

    Spencer Mcalpine

    Would not follow him to McDonalds!

    Ronald Norris


Man with the Plan

He doesn’t bash Sam cause he hand picked him. Sam is clearly not a QB1 in the league. He just gets better play calling for Cam or at least less predictable, cam was running the same 5 plays with slant and curl routes as the RPO

    Douglas Heun

    Are you Cam’s agent? LOL

    I agree tbh. I don’t think Cam is substantially better throwing the ball than Darnald, but, he has a run game to “add to the offense” at least. Remember when Cam would get hit in the pocket and guys would bounce off him? Ok, time has passed, but, Darnold fumbles on those plays. Darnold can’t seem to scramble, find open receivers, run, whatever it takes. He just isn’t the caliber that is going to get ANY NFL team to the playoffs in my opinion. I said when Cam joined the panthers, all we needed was him to be “average” and the D would handle the rest…then CMC went down again…then…well…we were never going to do better than wild card team losing in the first game anyway. Maybe draft picks will change us?

    Rheule has stuck with Darnold and pulled Cam. I don’t fully agree with that plan, but, I am sure it something to do with “more millions of dollars” paid to Darnold.

    Douglas Heun

    @Man with the Plan I don’t see Darnold’s talent. He consistently can’t make “lemonade” when things go bad. He has been in the NFL long enough to not look like a middle school girl in busy traffic. I’m done with him “again”.

    Man with the Plan

    @Douglas Heun 😂 nah man sams got talent, he just don’t play with confidence. He definitely has a nice highlight reel. I don’t like him as a panther. He’s definitely not a franchise QB. Maybe cam isn’t either maybe he is, but man, Cam is arguably the greatest panther and we owe him respect, just like we were suppose to give it to TD and Steve. Those guys should end careers here.

    Spencer Mcalpine

    YOu are so right. HE never wanted Cam in the first place. The Jets would have gave Darnold away for a happy meal! The guy is not a NFL quarterback! Period!!!! And Rhule is not a NFL coach! He has no clue! Send him back to Division 2 college ball. D1 would never take him! #fireruhle


Darnold is trash, no pocket presence, and no threat at all. Got outplayed by third string QB. Matt Rhule worse coach. No offense in the 2nd half, but refuses to bench Darnold. Same excuses and no true accountability.

Jackie Rouse

We want Cam please resign Cam Newton I don’t want my heart broken agian

Donald Duck

We went from the Carolina Panthers to the Carolina Clowns with Rhule at the Helm 🤦🏻‍♂️

    Ronald Norris

    You got that right!!!!

John Lopez

this man will defend sam with his life lmao

    Spencer Mcalpine

    #releasedarnold #firerhule #keepcam #signrussellwilson

Rob_ Scott3

Our team is on its 4th and 5th string O-line and Tim Tebow 2.0 at QB and we still beat the Panthers 😂 Ya’ll need a new coach for real.

    Douglas Heun

    We wish we had 4th string O-line and Tim Tebow 2.0. We got my grandmother playing O-line and Bamby playing QB.


    @Douglas Heun yo thats comedy XD

    Spencer Mcalpine

    I would take Tebow over Darnold at this point. Ruhle is a joke

Caleb Howland

It’s really not Cam Newton’s fault. He does try hard. Matt Rhule isn’t the coach that will take us to the Playoffs and the Super Bowl. Matt Rhule just keeps making excuses and blames everything on Cam Newton.

Robert Thompson

Sam fumble and threw an interception he didn’t protect the football why you didn’t bench him


Notice how Rhule only lists the o-line as a problem when Sam is starting????

CodedStorm Reborn

I like how Cam gets benched and now miraculously Matt’s addressing the O-line And doesn’t even bring up Sams INT.

Darryl Miyashiro

Record speaks for itself!!! If he stays next year..then its on the ownership…

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