Matt Rhule speaks about costly penalties in Buffalo game – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

We have constant penalties every game. Maybe you should work on the teams discipline Matt FOOL

    fissify stix

    he is not a leader personally I like matt rhule but he is not a head coach


    @fissify stix I’m sure Matt is a fine guy, but he is in no way cut out to be a head coach and a leader of men.

Ramen Man

Man has a real slappable face…maybe its just me

    Common Sense


    Terry Allen Thinks:

    He does… He’s that one manager that gets the job because he speaks the same lingo as the others in the office but completely bad at his job and just waiting to pass the buck n throw others underneath the bus to avoid being exposed.

Andrew Park

I mean this guy keeps playing John Miller and Cam Erving and no sign of Brady Christiansen or Deonte Brown. We have no idea what these two men can do. Matt Rhule – YOU ARE FIRED

    Andrew Park

    @DonSoFreee yes sir

    Andrew Park

    @John Bruckner Rhule has no clue. He’s clearly not NFL material

    Jae Cover

    Bro rhule and his staff is terrible.. where is shi? Terrace Marshall? I’m completely done with him smh

    Naz Idoura

    @Jae Cover he’s intentionally taking a weapon away from Cam.

David R

Excellent loss today. This was an entire team effort to lose yet again. Keep this disaster up it’s been fun! As long as Matt Rhule is at the helm we will most likely never see the playoffs ever again. Keep collecting those checks Matt and put forth zero effort in coaching this team you’ve so diligently destroyed.

    Brandon Ficklin

    @Brendan Curry How can we do that when we’ve traded away so many picks to get a decent O-Lineman? We bypassed great opportunities in last year’s draft and don’t have a 2nd or 3rd round pick next year BECAUSE OF RHULE TRADING FOR SAM…. His decision making is horrible and has cost us a lot. We’re going to be this bad for at least the next 2 years because his inability to grade talent, draft players he wants to fix (IE Brady Christianson not DRAFTED TO PLAY THE POSITION HE’S PLAYED HIS WHOLE LIFE), and wasting picks on failed experiments. This is the first day I’m off the Rhule bus. I’m done with giving him chance after chance. His logic and actions NEVER match-up.

    Brendan Curry

    @Brandon Ficklin I agree with you on a lot of that but tepper wouldn’t have gave rhule 7 years 60 million dollars if he didn’t believe in him Ik it’s hard to believe rn that rhule knows what he’s doing but 3 of those years give him room to struggle

    David R

    We have O lineman that Rhule refuses to play. Why would he not give them a shot they can’t be any worse than what we got out there now.

    Brandon Ficklin

    @Brendan Curry I would agree if we haven’t regressed. I was all in for a complete rebuild and the strategy he said he would follow. The trouble is that he is all over the place and the team is going to be, at the end of next season, in a much worse position than when he was given the chance to lead it. I’ll remain hopeful that I’m wrong, but nothing he’s done has led me to believe that his decision making with the talent he has chosen or the way he has wasted the picks for the future will be an improvement.

    Brendan Curry

    @Brandon Ficklin I see where your coming from I just think we haven’t gave him a proper chance bc of injuries to cmc and the constant rotation of the oline I just can’t wait to see what we can do when at full strength and the offense playing at a high level

Paul Mancini

What Coach Rhule doesn’t seem to understand that NFL Defenses will gladly give up 125-150 Yards on the Ground when you cant pass the ball effectively or make Big Plays in the Passing Game, this Offense can’t Pass for more than a 150 Yards a Game which is a joke at the NFL Level.. running 35 Times for 150 Yards and only getting 10 points a game doesn’t Win Games ..

Tonnie Laney

Matt Rhule gotta go

Crystal Sturdivant

Matt once again blaming QB and Defensive line. What about that o line that couldn’t block my mother

    Godz Hustla


Sub Zero

Is he really trying to throw Cam under the bus? Never heard him criticize Sam once get him outta here!

    Cayden Figueiredo

    Ikr facts


    Cam is washed dude, he’s no good no more



Jay Manning

Tepper has to know that he’s lost the locker room

    Mitchell Apple

    Who knows how much this man doesn’t know

ricardo gonzalez

All I want for Christmas is Matt Rhule gone and start looking for next year’s season.

    Richard Wiseman

    @jay lobby he’s not as bad as you think he is. He’s in a terrible situation. We’ve been a dysfunctional franchise for a few years now. He is new and it certainly shows. He’s made some terrible calls. I dunno how you can blame the guy for all of this though

    jay lobby

    @Richard Wiseman its not all on him but we would be better without him and I hate to say it cam because the way hes been playing

    Richard Wiseman

    @jay lobby I don’t know how we are any better without him. And I’ve been telling yall Cam was done. He was done 3 years ago my guy. It was a fun day in AZ… but that should be the only thing Cam is in the game for. Situational ball like that.

    jay lobby

    @Richard Wiseman just need to build a better franchise and ots my opinion to not build around rhule

    Mr Not Nice

    @Richard Wiseman I think cam needs offseason work. In his pats offseason he did work and looked nice in the preseason. But after he got cut idk if he put as much work in. Next year is cam’s last chance in the NFL to be a starter. if he blows it hes done. Also we need to work on our o line as well.


Rhule looks like he lost sleep knowing this is all his fault and he’s about to be out of there!

My Govmnt Name

We’ve been through many lows as fans of this franchise and this is the 1st time I’ve had a front seat on the “Fire” bandwagon. I don’t care that the offense sucks, I don’t care that the play call is sus, I don’t care that the players brought in are trash or even about the embarrassment they call a QB carousel. This is the most undisciplined and least prepared team I’ve ever seen fielded. Honestly, the Jimmy Clausen lead Panthers would stomp this unit and it wouldn’t be because of talent. This team is an absolute embarrassment and Rhule has done nothing but contradict half of what comes out of his mouth.

    Andres Sotelo

    LOL I agree but Clausen would not beat this team (i hope)

    Spencer Mcalpine



    Jimmy Clausen? You said all that to bring Clausen up? You said everything about your football I.Q. when you said “bandwagon” …. fairweather fans are plenty here in Panther country.

    Ryan Deans

    He is the worst coach we have ever had by far.

Sweetie Heart

Tuned this team out after the Miami lost.this team is heading towards being like Jacksonville and the jets.

    Derrick Busch

    What Matt don’t understand this is not Saturday this is Sunday

Jerramy Erickson

Put the blame on Cam SMH… least he kept him in there for the full game. Just to get beat up without an O line. They just testing his durability at this point.

Kenyelxo Productions

I miss Riverboat Ron.

    Godz Hustla



This guy has no clue! It starts with the head coach. He put this roster together. The line cannot block the playcalling is horrendous. Yet it’s the qb’s fault that you continue to lose games. Wait no it’s the defense’s fault. Get this man outta Carolina ASAP!

    Jason Harrison

    PREACH!!!! You are speaking the truth

Thomas Barnes

Rhules last season right here, should have never got rid of Rivera

Derrick Busch

I used to work for a guy like him you can imagine where he at today.Done


David Tepper, I believe you can get us an NFL coach who understands what it takes to win. Let’s get it done

Kenny Williams

I’m a true Carolina fan and I know this ain’t us something is definitely wrong and it starts at the top the fans deserve better than this keep pounding dammit

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