Matt Rhule offers further analysis of Sunday’s game at Buffalo – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Paul Mancini

All we seem to hear every week from Rhule is a Analysis of why they lose every week instead of what he’s going to do differently that actually helps them to Win .. it’s a broken record anymore

    Green Leaves Grower

    Absolutely terrible

Naz Idoura

Matt Rhule is talking out of his rear talking about Cam and calling him out.


Rhule, you sound like a broken record every single week man. Talk about what the hell we can do differently to win. We already know we should’ve done better. What are we going to do guy?

    Green Leaves Grower

    Its always “ we didnt execute , we didnt play hard enough “ etc etc . When is it going to be OUR GAMEPLAN wasn’t good enough. We are going to change this , this , & this .


First off it’s a shame to throw your QB under the bus so to speak and it’s not his fault where as the O Line is one of the biggest problems how can cam succeed when the o line is bad and no blocking for him? But they hurry up and pick him up when he gets sacked. The players have no trust in this coach doesn’t look at him as a true leader.

    TheAlmightyPUH T.A.P.

    I agree with this but I also said that I don’t think Cam is a long term solution. Not by a long shot. The team is different. The offense is different and from couching and staff to the roster itself is abysmal. O line is the most glaring problem but they rely so much on CMC and Cam hasn’t been able to produce when CMC was out their with him either. Even the best Wide Receivers we have are very suspect. One week they will look great. The next week they can’t catch air let alone a football. And while O Line does contribute to Cams failures, just watching the tape and play of Cam when he does have time and opportunities to make throws he doesn’t. He’ll make a bad throw that the receiver can’t catch or he’ll make a poor decision and throw it into coverage and get picked off. Cam leads the league in interceptions since he has started. Then there is the couching and play calling for the offense. Which is inconsistent, bad and most of all doesn’t fit Cam as a player. Not saying it just cam. The whole offense is a mess. But Cam definitely contributes to the problem. Cam is not the solution for Carolina.


    @TheAlmightyPUH T.A.P. You definitely right he is not the solution morning forward. But still even if we had a good qb it will still be hard because of the o line is trash. But I agree 100


He really blamed cam


Rhule needs to pack up his clown shoes and get out of Carolina

Quoted HIM

Matt rhule has no respect for cam as a player he is willing to run his Qb through the ground for one yard . Worst play calling in the entire league. No 1 is ever open, every throw is a “throw them open” play


The play calling on offense is so predictable and suitable for a high school program at best. It’s not competitive at all and the calling isn’t leading to sustainable drives that turn into points. These quick 3 and outs are wearing out the defense and playing into the strategies of opponents. There’s enough talent on the offense to get the job done, but with poor play calling this team will continue losing😒




    Hand off the ball and RUN RUN RUN like bruh it’s obviously not working and its predictable.


    @KING OF TSEDEQ he can but the offensive coordinator isn’t give him a chance to stretch the field and take shots.


Rhules gotta 5 head to match the only amount of wins he can get in a season.

At least instead of 5-11 the team gets to go 5-12 this year.

This clown needs to be fired asap.


This guy has been through multiple QB’s in less than 2 seasons and has lost his team. The worst Panthers coach thus far.


    nah that still belongs to George Seifert, but Rhule aint far behind.

Matthew Carson

My favorite quote “We as coaches always take responsibility on those things first” but only after we blame Cam first though LOLOLOL

J.A.W.s williams

Now he see that cam made the right play huh, to save his job huh. Coach suck

Travon Lawrence

It’s really so much to say about this whole year but tbh it’s really pointless… I learned a lot about football this year in general an one thing I noticed is thats its a process but on the other hand is that the reasons they are losing is the same each week an it has been no change except one an thats the play calling but in critical times it’s still the same… I really wanted cam back but tbh now I wish he never came cause tbh he’s gone after the season as if Matt just said it the way he spoke past tense about him.. They really just used cam to sell tickets an bring some type of hype back.. Like I said this was a lose lose situation from the start if you wasn’t gone bring him back next season to get a fair Chance to start with a full training camp an a better o-line… One thing I learned is football is not about the love of the game its all about the dollar an thats sad because it’s players out there that will die for the game … I know cam is gone after the season unless some miraculously happen an I doubt it..To see one of the Carolina’s legend an one of my favorites go out like this is hurting my soul cause he never got a fair shake an if he did get one an he played bad I would say it’s time to hang it up but I promise it’s not 32 starting qb’s better than him when he has the proper coaching an players around him.. I’m say this now before it breaking news,,Thank you cam for your 10 years an some hell of good highlights,, thank you for bringing that super bowl feel to panther nation ,, 1love cam,, I wish I could have caught a game in person but I did witness it on TV on Sunday.. You never had a good hand to play but you played with what you was delt an I respect you for that,, you could have folded long time ago but you still here.. Thank you Cam .. 1LOVE!!!! YOU WILL NEVER BE FORGOTTEN!!!! PANTHER LEGEND!!!!


That 4th and 1 play call was silly. It seems that it should have simply been a QB run or run option, not screen. At least rhule did not blame Cam, this time. But they know better.

Phil DeNuss

Cam is the fall guy for Rhule shitty job as coach. Brady is gone so Rhule had no option but to throw shade at Cam. Fire Rhule!!!

Robbie Switzer

I was watching this dude in the front row on the sideline yesterday. Man these players do not like him…. You can tell by being there. And he doesn’t look like he knows wth he’s doing.

The Murder STi

Throwing your QB who is popular with teammates under the bus is a good way to have no trust from your players. It’s pretty apparent he’s not NFL head coach material, and he’s lost his team.

Chuck Billiot

Also have to think we played a very good team also the number 1 defense in the league we are second! Give this time

Green Leaves Grower


Green Leaves Grower

“ how do you keep guys moving after a 4 game losing streak this late in the season “

Matt Rhule : “ I don’t do anything “

Yep . Yeah . We got that Matt . Get this guy out of Carolina

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