Matt Nagy: ‘We do feel like we are growing’ | Press Conference – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Tony Moore

Nagy, you only have one way to go… and that’s up. You’re rock bottom in offense. Start playing chess, your checkers game ain’t foolin’ the NFL.


You’re not here anymore right after this season, you better be preparing for the talk of your life when the season is over.

    Jamari Riddick

    @Alexander Moises i agree with everyone you said. Especially with horrible offensive line blocking philosophy. He’s had 2 good o line coaches in Chicago, Harry Hiestand, who made the Super Bowl when he was with the Bears in 06 and they had a top rushing offense, and Juan Castillo, who worked with Nagy under Andy Reid staff in Philly, and it took them this long to put players in a decent position to have decent success and they still have flaws in the philosophy, fundamentals, and execution. The coaching at the top needs to get better. But you can’t hold guys like Nagy and Pace accountable if you got guys like Ted Phillips and George McCaskey being at the top for so long with little to no success over the last 2 decades and haven’t been held accountable.


    @Michael Thomas 3-6 is trending in the right direction???

    Michael Survilla

    @Michael Thomas Teams do fire their head coach, when the team is trending up, when the head coach is not responsible for the TREND.

    Michael Survilla

    @Jamari Riddick I agree with everything that you said here, but
    my 1 question is. How do you get rid of the no. 1 managing McCasky, when the managing
    board has a majority McCasky vote.?

    Jamari Riddick

    @Michael Survilla this team might need to be boycotted to see any real changes in the organization

Mr Mayhem69

Shoe Salesman


It’s about production , let’s be honest and I say this as someone who actually likes Nagy. But the offense is at the bottom of the league . 3-5 isn’t good enough, unless they make a run and show some significant gains offensively these last 7 or 8 weeks or whatever is left Nagy will be gone

    Ibrahim Qazi

    They’re 3-6

    Ibrahim Qazi

    He’s still the coach if Tabors on the field


    Turn around or not, that’s not enough to keep nagy.


    @Flash_1689 I disagree , if they win the Super Bowl he won’t get fired 😂 so ya Nagy gone!!

Alexander Moises

“Growing apart”….

    Thomas Gena

    . . .who gets the dog?


Why have rules when the officials do WHATEVER THEY WANT with impunity?


I may be able to sleep once he’s no longer in charge of this team

    Michael Survilla

    I can fall asleep, listening to his press conferences


    @Michael Survilla I typically listen to his pressers with the sound off and make up what he’s saying… usually imagine something like “The Whys” “We’re Bonding as a team “We had a good week of practice” And “See where we’re at” ….

    Michael Survilla

    @300TV And don’t forget, all of our players are really In a good place now. 🙈🙉🙊

Dale Sweeney

I’m tired of this team being SOFT. I still can’t get over how he laid over when the Bears were f-ing humiliated when Rogers yelled he owns us. I’m tired of this “leadership”. He doesn’t deserve the prestige of this position.


He’s a unproductive talker nothing he talks about has substance and it doesn’t mean anything. He talks like a politician giving EVERYONE the run around 🤣😂🤣😂

    Thomas Gena

    Because he doesn’t Know ANYTHING!
    He always sounds like someone who you just watched the game with on TV — and oh yeah, she’s a chick.”

    Darksoul Quis

    I swear


Airlock the Cylon.

Draig Goch Drones

As a welsh International fan it has been sad to see the bears lose and then lose some more.
A new approach is needed as there doesn’t seem to be any fight this season apart from the steelers game. New coach new team even ?

    Josh Blake

    Join the the Darkside… 🧀🧀🏈🏈


he’s trying to ride justins development to keep his job. what a con job this guy

Gina Tolee

Mat Nagy is a good HC but he can’t get out of he’s way the players love him to amd if that was not true he wood not be hare talking right now but if he can just call the plays that need to be call he’s ok like last year he wood not run the ball more then 18 times he wood run the ball 15 16 times this year he’s running the ball he just need to call the running plays for Justin

    m rodriguez

    Sorry man this coach sucks, 5-24 against teams above 500.

Alpha Redlegs

Fire Nagy, Fire Pace, Fire Philips!!! With Nagy you are guaranteed to LOSE 4 GAMES right out of the starting gate!! He always loses game #1 because the team is not prepared, he loses twice to the Packers, and he loses after the bye week!!! He makes no adjustments coming out of halftime-EVER!!!!!-then hardly scores any points at all in the third quarter!!! FIRE HIM!!!!!

m rodriguez

The chicago bears were done the moment ted mckaskey basically said nagy was covid manager of the year and we needed continuity. Nagy is a joke as a coach and blames everyone for thia teams failures.

Zack Rodriguez

Hire Byron leftwich or josh McDaniels


Matt Nagy is a con man and fraud which partially explains how he got the head coach position with the Chicago Bears. Dude is absolutely clueless who couldn’t out scheme or out coach someone from the Pee Wee League. My God he can’t be allowed to damage Justin Fields like he has Mitch Trubisky and every other QB he’s had as Bears head coach. Please let him go sooner than later.

Roc Brown

When you start blowing miracles….

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