Matt Nagy: QBs are feeding off each other | Chicago Bears – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Ramon Medina, Jr.


Christian Vitale


ChicagoBear 61


Edit: Go Bears and good luck this season


Foles starter. Trubisky backup. Go Bears!

    Joel Mathew

    well trubisky has been killing it.. go TRUBISKY!

    zhamel jackson

    Joel Mathew lol you haven’t seen no practices bro!

    Joel Mathew

    @zhamel jackson Dude in the practices mostly today trubisky has been destroying foles read articles and watch DWC channel 🙂

ryan damon


Vito Faiello

Damn coach might wanna cover that dome up looks burnt… Let’s go QB1 10 and 🐻⬇️

Bad Boi bears

Bro wear a dam real hat lol 😂

    Michae Thomas

    He would look strange with one imo

    Christopher Harris

    That dome glows like it’s radioactive lol

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