Matt Nagy previews Monday Night matchup with Rams | Chicago Bears – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Hollywood_ Ghost


Hollywood_ Ghost

Sign more players!🐻⬇️

unapologetic Truth

Nagy… get our O-Line together please. We need to establish a run game for this Monday.

    Michael Coffey

    Been garbage for 3 years How Leno Jr has started last year and this is a twilight zone mystery to us here…….

    Jay Son

    Michael Coffey maybe they nfl is fixed

    Mary Kennedy

    For the entire Season !!!

The sports Yg

Stop calling the plays

    Michae Thomas

    You think the team would be better if he just quit calling plays and gave it to the offensive coordinator? We would lose every game

    Ethan Terzic

    @Michae Thomas i think that he calls plays suited for the chiefs not the bears. Its his usage of personnel on plays that kills me more that the plays itself.

    Mike Iverson

    Matt I understand why you change personal packages to get mismatches but its not working out that great cause our offensive linemen aren’t doing their jobs. Go with 12 personal with Wimms who can BLOCK and isn’t SELFISH like Miller

    Eric Blomquist

    This narrative needs to go into the garbage.

Dwayne Alexander

Please use quick snaps and handoffs this game. Also consider no huddle against Rams D. 🐻⬇️

    Mike Iverson

    Naggy is not smart enough to win by putting his ego aside. Great guy but no football IQ poor clock management and play calling . Bench Leno run effective screens use 12 man personal. Bench Miller start Wimms

    Mike Iverson

    Matt it’s the SAME guy every Week Leno and there’s no improvement Foles is going to get hurt cause of Leno. Why do you speak about accountability pull Alex Barrs for one bad series and Leno plays like crap every game . Sign SPAIN start the others in place of Leno!!! PLEASE!!!

Rich Lo

Right now guys it looks like offensive coaching is our big issue. Both Foles and Trubisky haven’t looked great – this is a coaching issue now I believe

    Ethan Terzic

    The small amount of people who have been saying this for the last 2 years are getting proven right. I hope thats not the case but it seems like it atm.


    Its not the coaching, its the O Line, thats the problem that needs to be fixed.


Coach are you willing to hold players like Leno and Miller accountable? You benched Trubisky for his lack of production why not bench Leno and Miller for the same?


    Because he doesn’t have Super Bowl winning replacements for THEM. Genius


    Or pick up the bills player who got released, if Pace can’t make a very good attempt at that then we need to look at possible gms.

Michael Coffey

Can no one on the local media tell the coaching staff we have had a bottom 5 O line for years now and we are WASTING a good RB like Montgomery and affected every WR and TE and Foles himself with a utter joke like Leno Jr whiffing on 5 to 10 Run Block AND Pass Block’s each game. Can NO ONE local call out the O Line besides the Tape never lies channel. How do ppl give Nagy and Pace a pass on this train wreck O line


    #72 Jay Leno’s inability to protect Foles is gonna get Foles killed. Therefore Nagy should have a TE helping Leno most every play.

    Jay Son

    You are exactly right. Matt Nagy would have a stupid answer anyway. He has to be aware of that weakness on his team. You would think Foles would even say something to him about it. I heard someone say something about him being a coaches favorite type thing which still sounds stupid.

    Patrick O'Donnell

    I agree with you but they aren’t going to go there with the record being 5-1.

    Mary Kennedy

    I agree completely,there have to be changes made Bars ? A Rookie O-LINEMAN !!! CHECK THE Waiver wires other teams Practice Squads ?
    It is Our Achilles Heel !!!

    Mary Kennedy

    @Patrick O’Donnell Why not there are a lot of games still to be played …

Jesus Rodriguez

My 🐻s r gonna show up & show out defense is on 🔥 offense needs to step it up & run the ball Montgomery i feel a good vibe this Monday

    BTN_TV_ 19

    They should start running him on the outside he ganranteed a get 3 yards a Carrie

    Jay Son

    Over/under 15 carries for Montgomery?

    Mina #9

    I feel good too. I’m calling it, the Offense is going to look good


    Then put money on it

    BTN_TV_ 19

    @BadBrother22 I will

Erick Dobrzynski

Leno is awful. He misses his blocks frequently. Juan was supposed to clean it up but I’m seeing more of the same. Leno needs help blocking, give him a TE or RB to help him on most plays


Look at Dez Bryant and the bills lineman pace, for the love of Mike Ditka please

    Ryan ???

    Why do you all want these has been receivers and QBs?


    @Ryan ??? Dez is “has been”? He is definitely an upgrade from Miller and Mooney is still young, this lineman has only allowed 6 sacks his entire career. They’re better than what we got now, so why don’t we want them?

Miguel Montes

Did he really say ” whatever he’s doing, he’s gotta base that on his personnel”? Practice what you preach


Feed Montgomery the ball. Need him to get a rythm

jPeter Jhakovski

Would somebody please ask him why he refuses to acknowledge the fact that our offensive line is complete garbage? Leno needs to be benched.

T'Chala Uchiha

Thanks for calling the OLine out today. I feel you can go harder but for Nagy to mention them at all let’s you know they re hearing us. Definitely appreciate that!


Get rid of Leno

Eliodiro Aguilar

If these man dont bench Leno Jr an get miller under control he should lose his job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Mike Iverson

    Amen this kid Miller has so much talent but acting like a diva not putting 100% effort on every play every down doesn’t cut it with me. Chicago is a blue collar town we expect 100% from our players or kick rocks

Cornelius Squalls

Really! No sense of urgency while the offense is regressing! He makes my blood pressure go up everytime i hear him talk!

Anthony Ortiz

Can someone ask about Leno’s garbage play? FOLES GETS LIT UP EVERY TIME HE THORWS THE BALL

Marcel Lima

No matter how the rest of the season goes, Pace must address this Oline on the next offseason. Both tackles and a guard.

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