Matt Nagy on loss to Titans | Chicago Bears – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

Matt Nagy on loss to Titans | Chicago Bears

Head coach Matt Nagy addresses the media after the Bears' 24-17 loss to the Tennessee Titans.

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Mr Mayhem69

Nagy needs to be fired

    Clare Logue


    Rob 37

    @Clare Logue 35 years.

    Rob 37

    Who would you like to replace him? Hell, I say get Lovie back

    Erik Herrera

    @Rob 37 no way. lovie is busy getting blown out in college week after week.

    Rob 37

    @Erik Herrera He also took us to our last Superbowl with Rex Grossman no less.


They deleted this video the first time cause it had 300 dislikes and 15 likes.


    Damn !

    John Harrington

    They sure did ! I was just checking for likes to my comment directed to him and it’s gone !

    Buster Pain

    I see Juicein had 3 dislikes. You think maybe Nagy, Pace, and Foles? Lol!!!

    Buster Pain

    Ok dislikes were a lie, but if they see our posts they will dislike all our posts.


Coach Nagy says the SAME thing every week but the offense keeps getting worse. As far as play calling goes, he’s on the HOT SEAT.


    He will end up in D3 calling an air raid offense


    He already fell off the seat, this is pathetic

    Jack T

    He’s making rookie coaching choices. It’s so painful to see.

    Michael Warden

    he needs to go

Pablo Villegas

You can’t get better! You are the problem! Just resign! At least give up play calling duties.


    Ryan Pace is the one not giving Nagy pieces. Couldv’e easily signed an O Linemen before the deadline and he didn’t he also TRADED UP FOR TRUBISKY!!! RYAN PACE IS THE ISSUE!

    Pablo Villegas

    @Playlist5594 I’m sorry, but if you can’t do the job with what you’re given, you’re not fit for the job! That’s a basic principle of working. Pace is a idiot, and one of his biggest mistakes is hiring Nagy, and another one was not taken away playcalling duties last year. Nagy cannot call a game.


They reused this video like Nagy reusing plays every week

Buster Pain

Quit calling the plays Nagy !!!

    Michael Warden

    not just that…he has to go

3point5 Houston

Mr. Nagy, please admit you are not an offensive genius and resign. We will forgive you. Please. Thank you.


    Oh no! He thought you meant re-sign. The horror!

    A K

    A guy who doesn’t hold himself accountable wouldn’t do something like that.

    Al Geronimi

    Yes please please resign 🙏


Hard to win in the NFL when you can’t score any points. Lucky if they go 8-8.

    Thee ChiTown Hannibal


    Chris Hansen

    I think Bears will beat Texans Jaguars and Lions again other than that I see losses for the other games

Aiden Wathern

He always says “we gotta figure things out” then why has it been 9 weeks and the offense is trash use Patterson less get more motion on offense short quick passes not screens 3 yards behind the line

    Coach Boothby

    9 weeks? It’s been 2 1/2 years. The only thing that has not changed is the play caller.

    Aiden Wathern

    @Coach Boothby I meant this year to figure things out

3point5 Houston

Nagy’s IQ has problem too. He cannot answer a question at all. His also goes through so many directions without touching the real point. Nagy is a fraud.


    It cause he can’t just say he is a shitty play caller so he has to find ways to work around every question without actually answering them

    Anthony Nelson

    @narz that’s probably why he was hired lol 😆 😆


I feel like I’m watching the same video every week. This offense is embarrassing.


    This comment has more likes than the video lol

    Dae Wu

    Beyond Embarrassing, a high school offense could perform much better than this.

    Josh H

    Same game, same comments in press conferences…same same same. You’re right.

    Cheron Carter

    Over and over and over till hes fired

Cassie Geras

Matt Nagy
• we like where we’re at
• we saw some good things from Nick
• I’m not opposed to handing over play calling to another coach
• I gotta go back and watch the film

    lou chef

    But he’s an offensive guru remember?🤣🤣 what a joke

Richard Fazio

It’s become pretty clear to me that Ryan Pace and Matt Nagy are incompetent. I realized this after they pulled Mitch in game 3 this season. Every week, Nagy is singing the same song. Reminds me of a Chris Stapleton tune. “I put that record on, girl you know what song, and I play it again and again…”
Here’s how I see it.
Pace had a plan when he drafted Trubisky. He apparently lost confidence in that plan some time last year based on, I’m assuming, collaboration with Nagy. They went out and got Foles, Nagy’s man. He waited for the first opportunity this year to bench Mitch and go with Foles. So, Head Coach Matt Nagy, renowned coach of the year and offensive guru, has one of the worst offenses in the NFL. With his boy, the much more experienced and immobile Foles, running the offense.

This offense SUCKS. Period. Game film don’t lie. Neither do statistics. Check out their offensive stats. (They do have have a super bowl caliber defense that they are wasting.)
This tells me that the problem never was Mitch. The problem last year and this year is the offensive line. Look at Montgomery’s rushing stats for the season. Look at the Bears rushing stats. Mitch still has the longest gainer at 45 yards. Since they cannot run the ball, they are by definition a one dimensional offense. I don’t care what kind of genius Nagy is, if ANY team in the NFL cannot run the ball, they cannot consistently win. The Bears are not a championship level team. The o line is pathetic and needs complete rebuilding. The Bears are not going to the playoffs this year. If they do make it by some miracle, they’re one and done.

So, what to do? First, they need to clean house and fire both Pace and Nagy. Not sure about the GM position but I like Todd Bowles from Tampa as head coach. I’d let him decide on the QB position, whether its Mitch or Foles, or someone else. But whatever it is they need to invest high draft picks on the offensive line. I’m out till next season.


    Yes, the problem is o-line which requires a rebuild which will take multiple seasons


    Agreed on the OL.

    specially in this day, linemen are so valuable that any team needs to go all out on them EARLY in the draft.

    Just look at the Saints and the protection Brees had last night, if Brees was the Bears qb he would suck right now as well, thats how bad this OL is right now.


Gifted a 5-1 start by the grace of zeus and he still couldnt make it work. We have the worst offense ive ever seen on any bears team. Nagy needs to go

Clare Logue



This might be the worst Bears offense I’ve ever seen and I’ve seen a lot.


    I was thinking the same thing yesterday, I could not even watch.

Michael Thomas

Fire Nagy 2020- Bears’ fans deserve better!!!

Larry x

Nagy sounds like a broken record.

Andy Flores


Glenn Weaver

Imagine being the reason people who’ve loved the Bears most of their lives stop watching games

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