Matt Nagy on day 2 of veteran minicamp | Chicago Bears – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Jesse Granato

I wonder if he ever puts sunscreen on top of his head


    I hope so. He wears those visor caps instead of full hats out there

    caleb Metelka


    Jesse Granato

    @Censored 1 source

    Censored 1

    @Jesse Granato you never heard of CBS? its a popular TV Network in America and they have these programs called News and they also have a website on the internet…maybe google cbs reports carcinogens in sun screens

    Jesse Granato

    @Censored 1 stop acting like you didn’t get this from facebook


I don’t know what brighter, the Chicago bears future or Matt Nagy’s head 🤔


    Godtier comment 😂


    He’ll take that bright forehead and his $5 million all the way to the bank!


    @Ferni Lame

    Shiven Sharma


Tony the Pod Boss

Smart move to make Andy starter. Less pressure on Justin when he takes the job Week 4

    Jim George

    He’s going to start week 2. Daltons going to look horrible against the rams. He just stands there and that defensive line of theirs is going to probably injure him as well.

    Jim George

    @DJ Wilson of course it is. A clown.

    Jim George

    @brodelicious hhahahh. He’ll yea, the tackling dummy. Especially week one against the rams defensive line. Daltons just going to sit back there and get hit over and over again. Probably get injured.

    Tim Dunn

    Are you really Tony from 60 days in?

    johnny six

    @Jim George That’s the whole point why do we got to lose a game for him to get put in

Luis Villasenor

“The plan is a plan that’s been thought out” -Matt Nagy

    J D

    May not be change during, minicamp or training camp..pre..seaasonn games?? The better QB will win job then.

    SBC Burgos

    Nagy is the king of redundancy!

    Jim George

    The plan means, theive set out to play Dalton for a certain no. Of games no matter if he plays good or bad. Then their going to bring Justin in no matter what , even if we are undefeated to start the rest of the season. The only thing that would change the plan is if Dalton just really is horrible out there or if he gets hurt. Otherwise he’s starting a certain no. Of games no matter what. Unfortunately.

    James Hines

    At least he says more than John Fox


I hope whatever is going on with Goldman is ok. Trying to remain positive about this as we need him for the defense

    Jose Banuelos

    Just listen to what Danny Trevathan said about him yesterday. According to him, Goldman looks good and is ready to go. He also expects him back in training camp


    @Jose Banuelos he better look good 18 months of pure workout . Here is hoping .

    Jose Banuelos

    @Sportnut721 if goldman and Quinn play to their potential, Bears won’t feel that loss of Fuller at all. Defense can still be 2018 scary good.

    Lord De'Mun

    Honestly I think it’s as simple as he had a year off and didn’t get into football shape in time for mini camp he’s on the clock and I believe he’ll be ready for training camp fingers crossed

Tony Banales

Ok Ice Cube Nagy.

DJ Wilson

The best player should win the starting job at all positions.

Football is a man’s game, so it’s a game of Respect. Everyone respec hard work, give it to the guys that deserves it.

It will be harder for Coach Nagy to correct players now.

You can’t punish one player and reward the other. Same rules apply across the board Andy should have to compete.

    George Franklin

    He still thinks he’s in KC. Bears are not in the same situation as the Chiefs. The chiefs had a good situation with Alex Smith

    PHILosophy 1990

    There’s no real implication of “no competition”. They are developing the kid (if your talking about Fields). He will, no doubt, be ready to start one day. Weather it’s Week 1, Week 4, or Week 16…..He will get in there.

    DJ Wilson

    @PHILosophy 1990 Just don’t put blinders on like John Fox did with Trubisky. Glennon was horrible in practice, OTA’s, and Preseason. But John Fox still started Glennon. How did he miss that???

    SBC Burgos

    @George Franklin Not only did they have Alex Smith, but they had one of the best O-lines in football and a ton of legit offensive playmakers

    Jim George

    Here’s what settles the question. Dashun Watson started his first season, even the first game and never looked back. Played great. Right now Justin fields is a better player then Watson was when he came out. If Watson could start and dominate his first yr, then fields should be able to do the same thing and even more. Because fields is better and further along then mahomes and Watson was their first yr in the League. Someone tell Nagy that.

Max Power

Bear down Swaggy

johnny six

He got to be one of the worst head coaches ever y ever black qb got sit is Trevor Lawrence going to sit


    Nice coherent sentence

PHILosophy 1990

I don’t understand the impatience, with our fanbase. We waited ALLLLLLLLL of these years for a solid QB to take over, and we think we have one. Im sure we can hold off a little longer lol 😆.

Justin is our bun 🍞 in the oven, but he needs a little time to bake. Let the kid:

1. Learn to take the ball from being center, consistently.
2. Learn the playbook like the back of his hand.
3. Learn how to recite a play from the coach to the huddle.
4. Learn what Andy does (and doesn’t) on a play, and what options he can work through if he would run it.
5. Work on his voice inflection, during his cadence.

Alot of those things go a LOOONG way. They definitely will help in the long run.

He’s gonna be FIIIIIIINE, relax yal. His talent is undeniable. He’s gonna be good…..Andy is a good placeholder for now. So, in the mean time. Justin can work on some of those things, leading up to the season.


    Alexis Guadalajara

    Exactly bro! No need to rush unless he proves he is head and shoulders above Dalton.


    Our fan base is toxic as hell to our own coaches and players. It’s sad to be a bears fan when you have most people behaving this way. I get it you want the best, and I do too but gotta support them which our fan base does not appear to support anything lol

    Jim George

    Its the same inpatients theve had with Nagy the last 3yrs. We hadn’t been to a playoff in 8yrs before he got here and bears fans didn’t even seem to care. Now we got a coach who 2 out of his first three yrs takes us to the playoffs as well as never having a losing record here and get he’s hated on. They never hated on the coach’s that didn’t take us anywhere for 8yrs. But then they hate on a guy that took us twice in 3yrs. Smh.


    Finally a Bears fan that gets it. I get the hype about Justin and wanting to see what he can do, but why don’t let him learn more before we put him out there? This time to sit could be the difference between a top 15 QB and a league MVP. The Bears haven’t helped any of their QBs for years. Us fans should be patient enough to finally get this one right. I’m thinking a QB that can give the Packers, Vikings, and Lions a heartache for years to come just like Rodgers gave us for so many years.

John Paps

Nagy is a clown 🤡

    Jim George

    I like Nagy.

Rillo 319

The plan is a, is a plan – Matt Nagy

tim haddad

Trade Andy Dalton will solve problem


Listening to this guy talk is painful. He can speak for 25 minutes and literally say nothing. King of cliches, and “that’s where we’re at.”

    PJ Jones

    I often questions why does he even do these interviews! He literally never tells us anything!! lol

Chris Courage

Dalton is the man! I wouldn’t be surprised if he played so well this year that the Bears are forced to bring him back as the starter next year.

    Brian Benson

    Not gonna happen.. Justin Fields is the future! The time is now though..🐻⬇

DJ Wilson

All the pressure is on Andy and Matt Nagy.

This is Mike Glennon and Trubisky all over again. No competition there is no prize for hard work.

Andy is just given the job like Glennon that’s not gonna end well.


My guy Matt “Where we at” Nagy!

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