Matt Nagy on bouncing back after a loss: ‘We’re built for this’ | Chicago Bears – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

This guys ego will be the end of us

    Chris Hansen

    Omg I agree. This guy has zero self awareness

Brandan Morris

Poor A Rob he was a Concussion and will likely miss out on the Saints game

    joel braggs

    Here’s my question how can the refs take him out of the game after a hit for a concussion and not called a penalty?

Rich Kid

We? Bounce back? The Loss was all Nagy’s fault!!! Bad play calling, fundamentals and execution KILLED the bears- all on NAGY 🤦‍♂️

Charlie Rojewski

Yeah I do agree with everyone else, honestly I feel like Nagy should change or be fired.

Aiden Wathern

And your built to give up play calling 😂

Troll Executioner

Did I miss any questions about him giving the play calling to DeFilipo or Lazor? If no one asked that, what a bunch of cowards to not ask such a question that fans are eager to know.

    Christian Solid

    They did ask that question yesterday and his answer was: That he’s not opposed to it if it comes to that but he’s not there yet…contrary to at least my beliefs which is, he should’ve given up playcalling last year

    Troll Executioner

    @Christian Solid Thanks and I agree with you.


This is the Bears MO, don’t have the O-Line so dink and dunk. Nagy thought with the change to Foles, we can get out of that. This should be the plan and go deep for select plays. Why call plays that take a long time to develop if you can’t block for them?

Deniro Essex

Can’t blame Mitchell anymore time to look in the mirror let someone calls plays you ego is gonna kill the team


    foles is better than mitch.

    Ethan Terzic

    @85Flatmouse not playing like it


    @Ethan Terzic learn football

    Ethan Terzic

    @85Flatmouse explain to me what he is better at other than pre snap reads on 3 yard checkdowns. Foles a qb who needs to have his playmakers make plays he is not the playmaker himself


Mark Tresman is a football master mind compared to this guy.


Cut Ted ginn. Trade for a LG. Start Cole kmet. Activate lamar miller. That is all


    Agree with everything. I’ll even add “play Cordarelle Patterson on offense LESS”


Ughhh let Nagy go not AROB I’m sick as a bears fan of see the bears years after years get rid of star players

Chris Burgos

You know how to fix this offense simple, get a new offensive line who can run block and Montgomery will break loose and a line that can pass block and create a nice clean pocket for FOLES or TRUBISKY and we will be better..

David Shay

Your play calling is being scrutinized on every platform on television. That should tell you something. You’ve had a great defense to lean on for too long

Aliens Filmz

Nagy needs to give up play calling ASAP we will be 8-8 again just like last year


Tell ryan pace to sign a good linemen

brian lane

You have an injury Matt Nagy. Your play calling/offense is lacking in everything. Next man up. Bench yourself.

Brandon Brock

Either drop the ego and give up play calling duties and just be the motivator or this team has less of a chance than they already have.. Pace needs to go and Nagy won’t be far behind if this keeps up

Mike Iverson

When I heard the offensive statistics since Naggy has taken over I was floored on just how bad our offense has become. The players like him but he is PITIFUL because he’s not holding them accountable especially our offensive line. Time to bench some linemen and put others in. LET’S SEE IF THEY DO BETTER BEFORE THIS SEASON CRASHES LIKE LAST YEAR’S FAST START

Zenith Bear

Just shutup and get an O Line and some wide recivers. We are tired of the same chit chat.

4th and 21 Podcast

I’m really tired of Nagys press conferences. He says a whole lot and nothing at the same time. I want him to take some accountability for once.

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