Matt Nagy: Bill Lazor to call plays vs. Vikings | Chicago Bears – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Josh A

I think this is good for the team going forward. Nagy is/can be a phenomenal head coach – this may jump start that.

    Nathan Spratley

    OG Skywalker or someone who acknowledges the fact that he did really well in 2018 when he had a solid offensive line. He needs the right personal to succeed and right now the bears don’t have that and simply is not able to adapt.

    m rodriguez

    Naw dude this guy is not a close to being a phenomenal coach. A phenomenal coach wins the 2018 SB!

    Reese Williams

    @Nathan Spratley While our o line is terrible a decent play caller should make plays for the offense they have and nagy did not do that.

    Nathan Spratley

    Reese Williams it’s almost like you didn’t even read what I said

    Reese Williams

    @Nathan Spratley You are entitled to your opinion

Joel Mathew

Well when you hit rock bottom the only place you can go is ??? ⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️

    Jesus Rodriguez

    Chief keef song lol

    Nathan 75


    Ethan Lusk

    On to Minnesotaj


    Oh, they have plenty of room left to go even lower.

    Michael Zorn

    Can still get a lot worse!

Ricky L Sales

God answered my prayers

Tristan Ho

If the Bears can score 30 or more points with Lazor as OC, then we have a chance! We have a chance!

    Victor Wright

    they don’t need 30 all they need 26-28

Zz Sammy zZ

Even if the offense stays the same we can at least say we tried 😎 and I doubt Lazor has a love affair with Patterson

    M Sukotto

    @Victor Antonio How’d that go woth the Bengals a few years back. They were ranked last in all offensive categories

    Dr Dino9

    @Prom360 exactly

    Oillia King-Johns

    Patterson needs to be used as a right like Mitchell Trubisky. He’s a receiver more than a running back.



    Eric Stutzman

    @M Sukotto its the Bengals. Lol.


Well done, coach !

James Hartman

Just gained a lot of respect for Nagy, it definitely took a lot of humility to do this

    Brent Habegger

    Agreed. I don’t think it fixes the problem but it may change momentum. At this point you have to turn every stone.

    Roseland Survivor

    100% true. Hopefully it works

    Sloe Bone

    He was distracted calling plays on game day. Now he can pull his nose out of his play sheet and actually coach the team.

    rayvon velez

    @Sloe Bone facts


    @Sloe Bone I’m with you here. Anytime it cut to Nagy he was buried in the playbook instead of evaluating the offense and opposing defense. Having his eyes on the field should allow for better adjustments hopefully

BrickZ Of The Dead

Best thing I heard from Nagy since the 2018 season..

    Reese Williams

    That’s the truth

Diart Musliu

This is my happiest day as a Bears fan (besides when they made the playoffs in 2018 and Eddie picked off Rodgers)

    Jim Sanders

    5-5 here we come

    Diart Musliu

    @Jim Sanders
    *6-4 buddy and making the playoffs


    @Diart Musliu and then one and done if they’re lucky enough to be in playoffs. This offense is way more broken than just play calling. I wouldn’t get too excited. Go watch the tape never lies network and you’ll learn something.

    Izzy Zé

    If Eddie didn’t get injured on that play we would’ve beat down the eagles that playoff game 😞

    Jimmy Christ

    Matt Nagy should have stopped calling plays since the first half time of the Rams game when he got humiliated from Sean McVay. That was the game that sealed once and forever the argument of Nagy been a head coach material in NFL. Sean McVay actually taught a lesson to the entire NFL world in that game that a HEAD COACH is someone who makes the best with the team and the players he has, not someone who just knows only one play book and blindly follows that play book without taking in consideration if his players fit in.



    William Brown

    Is Leonard Floyd a baller now.

Mina #9

But dang he said if he does give up play calling he won’t announce it. His play has been so predictable it behooves them to act like he still is. Especially for this game.

    William Brown

    This franchise likes to get embarrass on National T.V.

David Azaran

I respect you Nagy, don’t feel sorry, you should still be able to overrule his calls anyway


    nagy isn’t a good play caller but he’s a good head coach and we gotta give him that

    Pascha Entertainment

    @TheRealRhino exactly

    Ty Govern

    I’d have to disagree about him being a head coach. Watch the film on the Tape Never Lies Network. Watch the film. Same problems week after week that aren’t being corrected. That’s on the head coach


YES!! I believe this will change the fortunes of this team moving forward, it will start with a good solid performance from the offense for all 4 quarters next week!

Good decision Naggy!

Brandon Moore

100% he knows he is about to be fired, if something doesn’t change quick, we are in for another three years of rebuilding folks.

    Joe Malcom

    Matthew Napoleon Other than Allen Robinson or maybe James Daniels, name me a difference maker.

    Justin Hirmiz

    @Matthew Napoleon don’t forget about drafting a QB

    Matthew Napoleon

    @Joe Malcom We have a good tight end room. A good running back room–when cohen comes back. And we have a pretty deep wide receiver room. Riley Ridley and Javon Wims are great depth. We got a rookie Mooney who’s a baller and Miller is not bad. I see a team that is missing peices on the Oline and a new head coach possibly. We’ll see how this season plays out.

    Matthew Napoleon

    @Justin Hirmiz I think they should draft a QB for sure, but I also think with protection and a decent game plan. Foles can get it done.

    Adam Johnson

    They need damn near a whole new offensive line. That’s Pace’s responsibility. If anything, Pace’s job should be on the line.

Sloe Bone

Congratulations on your new position of Head coach of the Bears!

    Mina #9


Alva S.

Good. This was step 1. Next, step 2, is the O-Line

    Voice Reason

    lets not forget stupid penalties

Oliver Lacey

Now it’s time to be ” optimistic ” for a few games! TIC TOC BILL YOUR ON THE CLOCK!⌛🐻⬇️


It doesn’t matter who’s calling plays with that offensive line.

    Eric Stutzman

    They can call plays that develop a lot quicker. Run I-Formation. There are ways to disguise a patchy line.

    Rafael Perez

    The offensive line is terrible and is the single point of failure, but Nagy doesn’t call plays to match his team’s strengths.

Keith Andrews

He made this move for himself. Think about it! If the bears lose to the Vikings and become a 500 team the media would eat him alive! Making the change buys him time if things dont work out. He’s slick as fish grease!!! Smh..

    William Brown

    The media will still eat him alive if the Bears lose to the Vikings.

Cody Paterson

*starts video*

“Yeah we just got in from a good practice”

Me – Jesus Christ

    William Brown

    Leave the Good Lord out of this.

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