Matt LaFleur’s locker room speech after Packers’ OT win over Cowboys – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Banb Nb

just gotta say it “GO PACK GO”

thats my team!

    Jeff Boi


Sean M

People really forgot how much of an athletic freak CW9 is

    Jeff Boi

    he’s finally shining after so many injuries and rough games, and that does put a smile on my face

Wayne S

Keep Battling!!…GO PACK GO!!!

vanessa moseley

Love you Packers!! Never gave up knew you would get back on track.

David Wells

Let’s stop letting Amari Rodgers return kicks in the words of Stephen A Smith ” He is an muffed punt waiting to happen”


    Just cut him


    Nixon was back there at the end


    @Lock YK dude stoppit 😂 i had hopes for him too but he is a walking turnover on the field

    Hung Le

    Why is he still in the team after so many mistakes is beyond words.


    Amari Rodgers should have been taken off returning kicks last year! He nets almost zero yards and can’t catch.

Andruw Paden

That is team effort out there, everyone did their job and played complementary football. The best teams give it their effort we did it today. On to the next one GPG.

Mandie Marie

We really needed this.. last Super Bowl we won.. wildcard team.. with 20 plus injuries.. let’s go turn the corner..

    RebelTV r

    Eagles fan here, I remember last time, Packers beat the Eagles in the Wild Card, then won it all, as a wildcard team. This year’s team worries me now.

    Bobbie Grace

    @your mother thank you 😊

    your mother

    @Louis Jaxxon ur not kidding. We can excuse the defense bc Injuries are killing us. We got no starting DBs. Offense needs to wake up and I trust josh allen to make that happen

    Jaron Holt

    Easy now 😂 skol nation btw

    Bucket Boys x3

    I hope so I was at the game last night! Let me tell you all the fans around me never doubted it. They just believed. It was something special! So glad I got to go to a game up there. I have never squeezed a bottle of coke so tight for the last few minutes of the game! It’s one game at a time but maybe just maybe we are brewing something


go pack go!


So happy to have him as our coach

It’s been rough, but Lafleur is still a great HC

    James Leverentz

    @Giovanni Jaure Rodgers was replaced today

    Master Bojangles

    @James Leverentz you don’t know that, Nixon has been mixed in with Amari for several weeks. At least we didn’t see him out there again… he’ll prob be out there again on Thurs

    Joey Miller

    @Tremain ??? Right. They strayed away from those sweeps and other things to change it up. But that’s what I see

    Tremain ???

    @James Leverentz It’s the fact that Lafleur even started him to begin with…he’s been awful ALL year long so why would you keep starting him when CLEARLY Kisean Nixon (#25) is playing WAY better than Rodgers


    nah, Lafleur is an awful coach. dude coaches scared. he has no guts.


Packers can still make some magic happen with 8 weeks left in the season. Like Lafleur said more team effort! Great comeback today!

Arin Sauls

Dang. Didn’t realize how ripped Christian was. And love how emotional Matt was. You can tell this win meant everything to him. After the last few years not having the amount of losses they had this year, you can tell that he was beginning to wonder if it was all over for them and this brings a glimmer of hope. Love my pack. Once you go Pack, you don’t go back!!! 💛💚💛💚

    The Great Bambi

    Watson is gonna only get better from here with his confidence. His speed alone will make us a deep threat. Once Doubs is back, the Packers offense can be a real threat. Can’t take back what’s already happened this season but the Packers mindset after this game should be positive and this could be the turnaround the Packers need this season. Go Pack Go!

    Joey D.

    GO PACK GO!!! Once a Packer always a Packer!

    Green and yellow baby!!!!

    Vincent King

    I was just thinking the same about Watson! 😁💯

    Ben Varner

    I know that’s right.I’m from Arlington Texas home of the Dallas Cowboys . I’m 44 and grew with the entire family diehard Cowboys fans except me Iol I guess I’m the odd ball GoPacGo

Anna Datt

Go Packers 💚
Let’s Go 💚 🚶‍♂️ win after win now.
You all Rock….

Michael Homer

That’s my coach, and that’s my team. Win or lose.


On paper our squad is BEAST! This showed just a glimmer of that! Let’s keep this energy going and get streaky with W’s like we always do every year! GO PACK GO 🔥🔥🔥

    Juan Rodriguez

    Squad is trash

Paul Gonzalez

No matter we win or lose Packers will always be my team. Its been a rough season but getting this win lifts up our spirits keep doing what your doing coach even I got emotional too. Freakin love my team so much GO PACK GO, GO PACK GO 🧀

The Mountain Sage

Whoo! Yay Go Pack Go! Great game Mike M breaking his headphones 🎧 Classic

Lucas Buss

You can’t tell me our coach doesn’t love this team! Matt will go down with Vince in history!


    pump the brakes, Lucas. he can barely win a playoff game.

The Hound

If you ever doubted their desire to win, all you had to do was watch that game yesterday. Don’t know if it will turn this season around, but definitely took a step in the right direction.

Luke Sherrow

This was such a awesome win. I’m so proud of our guys!!!! What a great turn around for Watson. Go Pack Go!!!!!!!!!

Bruce Rivard

Let’s keep the momentum going fellas!! You’ve got to believe in yourselves!!! GO PACK GO!! ❤

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