Matt LaFleur, Packers ready for Cowboys’ defense that goes ‘100 miles an hour’ – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Kaleb Braxton

I got I’d frie

Opi Okapi

Coach Hawtie Time 💗🧸

Mark Kelley

Who are you kidding? You ain’t ready for anything

    Deshun Dillard

    his team never ready 💀


    Put Love in and I bet suddenly the offense doesn’t look as bad. Rodgers cant throw right now with his injury


Great news that Aaron Jones and Christian Watson were at practice today.
Really great to be alive. I am very blessed.


Look at the rest of the schedule. It’s so rough… they might literally finish with 5 wins. They need to play love after they’re eliminated. Benching Rodgers is going to rough but I think it has to be done. The only way Rodgers is gone next year is if he retires and I doubt he’s walking away from 58 million dollars next year and another 28 the year after. His contract is so bad that there’s no way they can trade him. Jordan Love has a 5th year option worth 20 mil so the packers would have 80 mil in cap for 2 QBs? No… all they can do is try to trade Love for value and then hope he’s not the next great QB. I’ve been saying the front office is at fault and people have been saying I’m not a real fan… doesn’t change that the front office needs to be reset. Fire Murphy, and Gutekunst.

Gaius Ganskow

As a Packers fan we aren’t ready for anything

John Wilson

As a Packers fan, everybody on this team needs to step up. We shall see what the outcome will be against Cowgirls this week. 💚💛💚💛

Justin Hildebrand

Lol ill believe it when i see it

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