Matt LaFleur on special teams: ‘We’re bringing a physical mentality’ – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Spidey Dez

Our special team finally looking special👍



    MarcThe Shark

    Our special teams isn’t selling the game/playoffs.


    Crosby and rodgers will be gone in within the next 5 seasons maybe bakh too. This team is gonna be so different


Go pack go



    Manuel Rodriguez


Opi Okapi

Love you Hawtie Coach 💖💕

#1 Packers Gamer

Let’s keep the momentum going boys protect home field

Warren Ivie

Way to not answer a direct question , Matt…..Can you call the fake punt off? Is there anyway A GREAT COACH COULD HAVE CALLED THE FAKE PUNT OFF ??? The answer of course yes definitely, but I’m NOT a great coach! I have been fortunate to get this job while we still had a HOF QB and certainly I will not be here 2-3 years after AR retires. So sick of his act—-and if he thinks beating the Dolphins or even making the playoffs saves his buddy Barry, then both should be fired post hast!

    S. The Guy

    We all can’t be as smart as you.

    Nick Mcswain

    Noone cares


    Why didn’t he call a TO to avoid the special team’s “turnover”.

Leon Richardson

Before it’s all set and done he will go down as 1 of the greatest coaches of all times. Go Pack Go


    He needs a Super Bowl or 2 for that to happen

    Leon Richardson

    @TheWiseman I believe he going get it done

DDD Pheth

So glad we let amari go!

Scotti DW

Second dumbest call ever made doing a fake punt on your own 20-30 yrd line. First dumbest call not going for it 4th and 8 vs Bucs. May be a great coach over all but don’t ever do that again. Go Pack!

    Christopher Angeli

    Tired of needing three yards on third and fourth down and throwing 40 yard bombs.


    @Christopher Angeli Tired? Are you lacking sleep or something? And that’s Aaron Rodgers calling an audible, throwing 40 yard passes. That has nothing to do with Matt LaFleur, Aaron changes the game play all the time. Facts.

    Francisco Pietra

    Dumb but what if? I thought that the play calling was aggressive from the get go which can have a big physiological impact on the game, which I think it happened. My opinion.


    Win is a win baby


    @R.P.E. Lol yeah blame rodgers. You guys are unreal


bring back Hackett right NOW!

David Fults

So why aren’t we throwing the ball to 85?


    fr smh


    Because he’s useless and needs to be cut immediately for under-performing this season.


    @R.P.E. not his fault they arent drawing up plays for him

Brandon Butler

Coach has perfected not answering one single question.
Reporter: Are you the coach of this team
Coach: I think on all phases we can.
Reporters: Do you like hamburgers?
Coach: I gotta look at the tape. I haven’t talk to the cow and asked him.

The Kid

Did Matt have a dip in 😂 first time I seen him do that, he’s finally relaxing as a coach here in Wisco💪😂


    No. Matt smokes cigarettes quite often. But he doesn’t chew tobacco. He was asked this before and he’s openly discussed his nicotine habits.

    The Kid

    @R.P.E. when was that? I’ve never heard that but whatever everyone has their vices🤷‍♂️ still my coach

    Kris Kurth

    He has had chew in before.

    The Kid

    @Kris Kurth yeah either way its fine, its just a vice everybody has one. Nobody is perfect


should have kept mcarthy


This guy takes to many chances. He is in over his head!

Adam B

Go Pack go!

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