Matt LaFleur on Keisean Nixon’s performance: ‘You felt his spark’ – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Eric Prybylski

Dude needs a multi year contract ASAP



    Bobby Bland

    Who’s dude

    Eric Prybylski

    @Bobby Bland the only player on the title of this video

    Overpowered by Funk

    @Eric Prybylski seems that way doesn’t it.


Ridiculous not to play J-Love the final 5 games. Absolutely ridiculous.
I have supported Matt since day one and I will continue to, but I disagree with doing what is not in the best interest of the team and franchise in the future. You need to see Jordan Love play in extended regular season action before making a decision on picking up his fifth year option. You crapped away this season and everything you do needs to be focused on getting better going forward in the future.
Hopefully Gute and Mark step in and force Matt’s hand on this. He literally cares more about what Aaron thinks of him than what is best for the team. That alone is making me lose confidence in him as a head coach overall.


    @Jo NoSaY Your grammar and punctuation is ‘ridiculous’.

    Melvin Brinson

    Aaron is QB1 and wants to play so long as they’re mathematically in this. Clearly stated. Jordan will have his time. Go to bed.

    Cm Bells

    Sounds like you want JLove to prove something to you, the coaches seem to know who JLove is. To think AR 12 doesn’t want what’s best for packers at this point, makes you seem like a troll a bit.


    @Cm Bells You have problems with reading and comprehension I see.
    I’m talking about Matt LaFleur. Aaron Rodgers decides nothing on this team. Aaron is a player. The head coach makes the decisions on who plays or sits.
    The Packers are 4-8 and Aaron has 2 injuries. You have to play Jordan Love to find out whether he is the QB going forward. After the 3rd year of a rookie contract you have to decide whether to pick up or deny his 5th-year option.
    It is time to see what J-Love can do for extended time in the regular season. If he plays great, wonderful. If he shows he isn’t the answer going forward then you move on from him. The point is that you need to find out.
    When the Packers are mathematically eliminated they will play J-Love. 29 things plus a miracle would have to happen for the Packers to get the third Wildcard spot.
    J-Love should be starting against Chicago.
    For you Aaron Rodgers fanboys that want Aaron to start all 5 of the final games. Sorry to burst your bubble, but it’s not happening. Not fully up to Matt LaFleur either. Brian Gutekunst and Mark Murphy will see J-Love in extended action this season. Mark my words.
    Oh, and take the Aaron Rodgers poster off your ceiling. You are embarrassing yourself.


    @Melvin Brinson Get a clue little guy. When you catch one come back and comment.

Andruw Paden

I wish I had Matt LaFleur’s perfectly groomed eyebrows.

    Ryan Jaeger

    Ok Fraudgers


    @Andruw Paden is a cringey troll.

Jo NoSaY

I am now fairly certain that Matthew is afraid of DivaRodgers

    Zackary Ingram





    Lol your hate for Rodgers is real for you to comment the same thing under every video. Get a life!

    Cm Bells



    Gutekunst is the real problem

Lloyd Spinner

Jo no say I agree

Timothy Hoffman

The refs need to get their act together on pass interference calls they are bad~ To many Injuries keeps football to the game of chance, not skills~

Yang Thao

i love nixons fearlessness on the returns; great find. lafleur seems different this year. we play rosgers id we have a slither of playoff hope; then we play love once we’re out.

Ultimate plays

Can the packers still make the playoffs what do we have to do plz tell me

    #1 Juggy

    3% chance

    Donovan Johnson

    Win out and hope commanders lose out. That might do it.

Chad Vanderzee

How about more plays for Christian Watson?

dyno mite

Matt Lafleur, you are a fool if the Packers keep Joe Barry. You need to get rid off Barry his defense has been getting shredded in the run and passing game. How many games do you need to lose to realize you have a bogus defense.

txoov hawj

Joe Barry defense play like trash…no physical no action packers defense should physical like 49’re defense ..

txoov hawj

Fire defensive coordinator coach or packers defenses gotta play trash like this next season…

Nathan Chalmers

How in God’s name have they had Nixon since spring but yet the continued to throw Amari Rodgers out there to botch return after return? How is this coaching staff so clueless to the talent on this roster?


    Matt cares more about relationships than winning

Craig Rickaway

You need to get rid or the defensive coordinator. The defense is horrible to watch. All those draft picks spent on defense and they cannot even tackle. Rodger can no sit and get health. We should have pressed on last year. No offense to Aaron but I think we need to move on and he needs to do what is best for him and it is not in Green Bay any longer


his spark? lol youre 4-8 matt. where’s the spark?

Day1K _

Defense is culturally destroyed. Is Mike ZIMMER available?

Martin V

Hey Matt, when are u going to stop the run

J.A. Lovelace

who is the reporter at :37?


Offer Jim Leonhard a job. Give him a chance to fix the defense.


You are not a great coach if you hire a defensive coordinator of the 0-16 Lions. Period. End of story.

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