Matt LaFleur: ‘I did not do enough to prepare them’ – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Manraj Sidhu

Unforgivable as the no. 1 seed and losing again

    Austin Rich

    Forreal it’s a embarrassment to the NFL

    Grant Rosenbaum

    Goes to show how meaningless the first round bye can be if you don’t prepare during it

    I'm Going Supersonic

    Its becoming a Meme. Thats when you know its time to…

    I'm Going Supersonic

    @Grant Rosenbaum I agree, the starters only played 2 quarters against the Lions. Thats almost 3 weeks off of not being in the battlefield. I think bye weeks aren’t as glamorous as they might seem.

Jimmy Her

This is what happens when you promote an ST Coordinator who assisted the previous coach, who, guess what? Marched out the worst ST unit last season. If we had to spread blame: 60% ST and 40% on the offense/Rodgers.


    Look, we all know why he got promoted. Everyone knows it.

    Stop Campin

    @Tom Collins his name has tik tok in it lol he’s just trynna troll bruh

    Johnny Goggles

    how many points did the other offense score? special teams swung the game by 10 points by themselves?

    Śïr Çärtïër


    Slim C

    MLF is an overrated coach. Period.


He holds one of the best regular season win percentage, but he is not a playoff coach

    S R

    @Trev Mac just wait till Jordan Love starts playing, y’all in for a real surprise! 🤣🤣🤣🤣

    S R

    @Thebensupremacy just wait till Jordan Love starts playing, y’all in for a real surprise! 🤣🤣🤣🤣

    Autonomous Pilgrimage

    Does Aaron Rodgers know there’s more receivers on his team other than Devante Adams???

    Autonomous Pilgrimage

    @Trev Mac exactly

    Marcel McFadden

    @Banquet Meal yall blame everyone but Aaron rodgers for losing in the playoffs but hes the only constant yall have had while yall have been losing in the playoffs.

Brian Koch

Best defense we’ve played all season and we still lose. Unacceptable.

    Expunger Baby

    @Doughnutz Fire lefleur

    Dakota Martinez

    @MikeDiePlier 49ers didnt need to score a td to win in the 4th quarter. also the 9ers converted 3 3rd and longs on the final drive. its called situational football.

    Liz White

    @RMZ Yes! Why four losses to 49ers???? Isn’t that where Rodgers really wanted to play??


    @Liz White it’s just weird… I mean, they could’ve finished the first half at 21pts… and Jones not running for the TD, instead stopping to get tackled. It was a weird game… number 1 seed… pff smdh

    Ryan Stockley

    Exactly right bruv I’m a fan from England and it was too late to watch it so recorded it but woke up Sunday and by mistake the score popped up on my phone and was really gutted and shocked really

Eric Kurtz

I’m sad but the Pack will always be my team keep your heads up recover and see you next year.

Robert Gomez

Well said. Coach LaFleur took responsibility for the loss and spoke very well. He congratulated the 49ers in a sincere way. He is a classy guy. I wasn’t for either team but it was a great game!

    Scott Schoppert

    I didn’t care for what he said after the Vikings beat them in the regular season

    BMO JO

    I hope he gets very unclassy with his spec teams coach.

    S R

    He’s said that every year


    He always says this. He’s nothing without Rodgers

    Das Kommandant Krieger

    Classy? He has no choice except to take responsibility for a putrid, listless offense. The guy gets constantly outcoached in the postseason for a reason.

James Schneider

After the Cardinal game, Matt was asked directly about planning changes to ST – said . . . “Absolutely not . . . we have to clean up some things.” This is ridiculous . . . didn’t give up a defensive TD, but did give up 10 points on ST . . . and LOST! Welcome to our Packers home-field playoff DISADVANTAGE!!! “What the hell’s going on out there?” – Vince Lombardi


    It was after the Bears game that he said he wouldn’t fire Drayton

    James Schneider

    @Greg “Absolutely not!”

Rich Mutts Music

Is this the worse loss in franchise history considering the teams talent and #1 seed.

To be one an done, it could be

    packerpunched 12

    No it’s not . The 2001, 15 and 1 team was

    87 ZukiSami

    @packerpunched 12 2011. And yes that was the worst. This is a close 2nd.

    FM L

    @packerpunched 12 The 2001 team wasn’t 15-1.

    packerpunched 12

    @FM L bro it was a typo. The guy I responded to knew what team I was talking about.. 2011. That was the only time we went 15 and 1. Thanks for your time

    FM L

    @packerpunched 12 Ok no problem Bro.

The Weaver

This dude cannot make adjustments during games and respond to what other teams do to us. 3 years in a row in the playoffs it’s cost us. ST coach should be fired. And Matt should be in serious trouble for Dillon playing on special teams.

This is his third year, I don’t want to hear that it is his fault and he needs to do better next time. Do better the first time.

    Gilly Vibes

    Why not double Joey Bosa 🤦🏾‍♂️

I'm Going Supersonic

Hate to say it, im a Packers fan but these Gb loses at the playoffs are becoming a Meme

I'm Going Supersonic

Getting a blocked field goal AND punt, which led to a touchdown is almost impossible. You rarely see blocked kicks.
2 in the same game. Insane.


    Greenbay should’ve won it was their time

    gage hernandez

    @darkstrangerwell obviously not now 😂, niner gang 😂

    Quintero Landscapes

    Special teams was horrible this year and it wasn’t addressed before playoff time 🤧 offense was pathetic too. This time it was a lot to do with Rodgers. There was Open receivers he shouldn’t be pointing fingers at special teams . Lol

    I'm Going Supersonic

    @darkstranger It was their time. What could Green Bay do better to actually win a Superbowl? Aside from special teams, they won basically all season long. I don’t get it, they always find a way to lose in post season.

M z

The Packers are 7-9 in the playoffs since winning Super Bowl XLV, including four losses at home.

    Ted Sexton

    The franchise is really starting to skid.

David Kyle

No, Matt you did fine except you didn’t fire the Special Teams coach earlier in the year and didn’t scrutinize the entire kicking team for their performance. The game was basically done and dusted even without the 3 points they missed on the field goal. How disappointing.

    Mark Evans

    Matt didn’t do fine, he needs to spend less on his eyebrows and fruity beard and more time fixing ST it’s All on him.

Brandon Thrash

This cannot happen again!! Defense played so well. They came ready to play. They devised a plan and executed. Offensive line did not, special teams ABSOLUTELY did not!!! This needs to be fixed! Never can we show up to the playoffs, especially with a bye week unprepared.

    James Alston

    It’s a day later and the sting of the loss is gone. Green bay has to get that Lambo mystique back. I think that early fumble took some momentum away. They also should have score a TD on that Aaron Jones pass. Why did he slow down. SMH.

    Lebum Cames

    It’s literally all because Matt refused to fire Mo Drayton, or worse, Matt saw how incompetent he was and wanted him out, but the front office refused to fire him for whatever reason. His unit literally cost us the game.


Rip to my packers, definitely finna be rebuilding fa a while

Michael Rupp

The play calling on GB last drive was questionable. Should have been running the ball seeing that they had success.

    Mike Belongia

    My thoughts as well. I would like to know if those 3 plays called were passing plays or if Aaron changed the play from run to pass. Field conditions had deteriorated, 4 minutes to play and 3 straight passing plays made no sense to me.

Sean Koch

Game on the line. One and done. And to me it seemed like they were playing it way to safe in the first half. Not going for 4th and 2 midfield and making the decision to kick a field goal which was blocked in 49ers territory. Second half was a totally different game from the first. It was pretty much every single 49ers player against packers difference only! Special teams and offense we’re having a coffee break for the whole 30 minutes.


Maybe LaFleur should worry less about pumping up the crowd and focus more on coaching. He gets too emotional, and too anxious.


I’ll give him credit for taking responsibility. So few do these days.

Charles Balter

As a longtime Packers fan, this was EXACTLY how I imagined they would lose. It has been twenty-three years of these types of losses.

How many games have the Packers held the lead late, had victory within their grasp, just to let it slip away. It’s multiple QB’s and Head Coaches.

But it’s always the same problem. They don’t know how to close-out a game. They continually put the ball on the ground, miss field goals, play awful Special Teams.

Anyone who watched the Packers all year knew their Special Teams and kicking games were awful. OF COURSE you lose playoff games when you have punts and field goals blocked. From the Cincinnati game earlier this year, it was like, “Well, this is how their season will end.”

With this kinda thing happening so many different times – ALL YOU HAVE TO DO TO WIN THE GAME IS NOT F*** UP THIS ONE, SIMPLE, BASIC THING – that makes for a difficult hurdle to clear.

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