Matt LaFleur expects Aaron Rodgers to play on Sunday – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Tanya ⚜️



*Let Aaron HEAL AND REST this weekend.*
*Start Jordan.*


Rodgers is the perfect distraction and everyone is falling for it. The defense should be the only thing anyone is talking about. Favre went to more super bowls than Rodgers and he’s thrown 234 more interceptions. Let that sink in. The best squad on those 90s Packer teams was the defense. Rodgers has played with historically bad defense his entire career save one year. 2010 and they won a championship that year. Barry needs to be fired right now. This coaching staff fears nothing so they don’t have any motivation to change. Owners don’t suffer this kind of failure but a board of directors does.

    David Brown

    The defense and the offense was the issue through week 2 but it’s been the offense the entire season led by Aaron that has failed. And it obviously wasn’t all on the wides but the o line. And Aaron’s desire to toss to buddies instead of C.W who has been open all season


    @David Brown 40-33 against a 1 loss team. The defense gave up 500 yards including 353 on the ground. Rodgers hasn’t been his expected Superman self but he’s still better than most. If you want to be a hater go ahead it’s America and your prerogative but the stats don’t lie.

    BG Kennel



    The fact that Tennessee had an 18 play drive and nobody said anything about surprised me. With Philly having so many rushing yards and there is more talk about Arron’s health than the amount of yards the defense gave up doesn’t surprise me. If Matt thinks so highly of all of these other teams and players, he should go coach those teams. He said “you’d be foolish not to plan for Justin” yet watch Justin run wild on the defense again.

Opi Okapi

Love you Coach 💗🧸

Eddy Kaye

Rodgers went out and Love went in last week, and the Packers had their first 3rd down conversion. They looked better with Love, than Rodgers, and it doesn’t matter if Phi was playing a “Soft defense” they were already doing that before Rodgers got hurt. Rodgers drops back and dances around, there is no timing or anything.. Jordan Love was dropping back, 3 steps, release.. The timing was there

    Guap W

    As a packers fan you can’t be that naive..

michael dillard

Get another Waston on the other side and you will be ready

Cristian Carlos

Acho que quartebeke tem que ser hoje LOVE pois Aaron reger não está jogando nada agora com dedo quebrado que já não joga nada mesmo

Anthony Cirinelli

Aaron is here for maybe one more year, maybe none. This team is out of the playoffs because the defense is swiss cheese. Give J Love playing time and figure out if he is the future or you need to draft another QB.


But, but his thumb! And his sore ribs! What about those young receivers? I’m sick if the excuses!

    Random Updates

    Everything okay at home?

Valdez Fam

I would love to see love, ha ha ha I get it love to see Jordan love

Dana Brinkmeier

Bear fans have been watching a different team than the one described by La Fleur. They wish that team.[ the bear team he describes ] ..would show up…but know better !

Francisco Pietra

We need a Bill Parcells type of coach. Bring Zimmerman who was with the Viqueens!!!

Michael Zimmermann

The Packers added and added to the defense this year and they are worse than last year by far even breaking NFL records bad . I’m sorry but someone has to be held accountable for this lackluster defense and sporadic offense . Barry is bad and had a bad track record before so be the head coach and do your job or step aside this is a high stakes high pay profession not a friend fest .


If we’re eliminated it’s best for the Packers for Love to get reps and Rodgers to heal up. I honestly don’t care what Rodgers wants


If Lafuer truly feels his buddy JB is doing a stand up job at DC then LaFluer is also part of the problem!
Just look at JBs track record at DC! And it’s continuing here.
Joe’s gotta go!


Team is design for Jordan. Roger’s done

    Tyki Mikk804

    It’s Rodger’s

Ryan Guzman

Joe Barry was the DC for an 0-16 team. And LaFleur hired him.

Random Updates

Aaron having one Sb appearance and win is downright embarrassing. He’s had weapons up until this year and actually some solid defenses over years. A lot just his excuses and leadership.


HEY defense start getting off the field. HEY offense try staying on the field longer than 30 seconds.💚💛

Steph 12

Packers defense has been a joke for a long time.

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