Marshal Yanda’s Full Retirement Press Conference | Baltimore Ravens – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

Marshal Yanda’s Full Retirement Press Conference | Baltimore Ravens

Offensive lineman Marshal Yanda retired after a 13-year career with the Baltimore Ravens. He was joined by Ozzie Newsome, Eric DeCosta and John Harbaugh during the press conference.

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kyro q

Sad to see him go as a raven fan hope he has a great life #RavensFlock #RavensNation #PlayLikeARaven

Carlos Mendez

Thank you Marshal!!!


Future hall of famer! 🙏

    Dany Ajmo

    BMORE 4LYFE 💯 percent

TexasBass Fishing

Thank you Marshall 🖤💜🏈
#ForveraRaven #RavensFlock


Thanks For Everything Marshall!!

Perfectus Maximus

Yanda is such a legend man sad to see him go but happy he was here in Baltimore all this years


    Perfectus Maximus *yanda

    Perfectus Maximus

    @Drippy . Yep autocorrector messing with me again

Sam Dath

Sad to see him hang up the boots but at the end of the day health comes first go ravens

James Warren

Wow. Looked up that first 3rd round pick Harbaugh mentioned-Yamon Figurs at pick 74. Future Raven Superbowl season contributor Jacoby Jones was pick 73 to Houston. Yanda was pick 86. Hindsight is pretty interesting.

    Edwin Navedo

    Yea It Figures that they would Pick.Yamon over Yanda …..Draft is so unpredictable lol

    El - Amin

    @Edwin Navedo Well, it ain’t just the Ravens that make draft mistakes besides, teams passed on Ray Lewis, Ed Reed and Lamar Jackson just to name THREE.

    Yamon was a decent return man and he had potential, but hey, the Ravens have drafted 3 hall of famers and two more waiting in the wings and won two superbowl titles and at least one more of those waiting in the wings!

    Go Ravens!

chris Geovani

Let’s win it for Yanda 🏆


Missing Marshal already

Edwin Navedo

Marshall Yanda ….1st Ballot HF …no Doubt

You are a Symbol of what means to Play Like a Raven…..

El - Amin

Ray, J.O. and Yanda…entire career Ravens ONLY…that’s loyalty and style!

Thank you to those 3 legends!

Go Ravens!

Elijah Kelly

We will always appreciate your hard work Marshall! Have your good time off.


Ferentz puts out some great players at Iowa. Yanda could play in any era. He reminds my of guys like Alex Sandusky and Bill Curry. Throw some Jerry Kramer in. He’s the best offensive guard ever to play with the Ravens.

Sang Nguyen

Thank You marshal yanda for all you did

Edwin Navedo

Yanda is an Awesome Human Being….Much Respect….you left setting a Brilliant example on how to play and left a foundation for the young guys to follow…. excellent…. Ben Powers I feel might be the potential replacement there …the torch is passed ….1st Ballot for sure Yanda


Love you Marshall! One of the best Ravens of all time! Enjoy your retirement! 🙏🏾🙏🏾

This comment not sponsored by Raid Shadow Legends

13 seasons, 20 sacks allowed….. just let that sink in. thanks for all the hard work Yanda! enjoy retirement with the family, well earned.

    Donovan Sales Sr.

    This comment not sponsored by Raid Shadow Legends WOW
    13 season 20 sacks allowed
    Thanks for the info.

El - Amin

I’m an old school football fan growing up in the 70s and I remember a dude named John Hannah, New England Patriots and he also wore #73…Hannah was the BEST guard I saw play in those days and I always said Yanda was “our” John Hannah.

Hannah was mean and nasty and a great offensive guard and comparing Yanda to him is big time respect and anybody who knows John Hannah would agree.

I love me some Baltimore Ravens and I love me some Marshal “Big Country” Yanda.

I hope Yanda doesn’t mind me calling him “Big Country” because I don’t have a taser if he comes after me, lol.

J3llo Tv

26:03 me when I found out grandma prayer is done during Thanksgiving

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