Mark Ingram’s Take on Derrick Henry’s Stiff-Arm | Baltimore Ravens – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

first 🤮

Ethan Kennedy

imagine normans son just watching his dad get tossed

Cheater Sab

Derrick Henry decides when the press conference is over


Cringe worthy

Eroc Money

🤠gus should starting


Ingram has such a nice smile

    D C

    really seems like a nice man altogether.

Eroc Money

🤠gus should be starting 🤯

El - Amin

Ingram took that Henry stiff arm question a little personal?

I thought his reply would be that he doesn’t play defense so no, a running back has never stiff armed him Iike that…

Connie Duncan Norrell

Roll Tide for Life, indeed!

    Matt Ossip

    Roll Tide for Life!

    Jim Ryan

    Roll Tide Roll.

    Lucifer Morningstar

    ROLL TIDE ROLL!!!!!!

    得IziNice MusicPage

    Bama an Running Back Factory

Jim Ryan

Pete Gilbert is an idiot. First for not knowing they weren’t at Alabama together. Second for thinking running backs would have the opportunity to stiff arm each other.

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