Mark Andrews: Tyler Huntley Is a ‘Special Player’ | Baltimore Ravens – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Laya Naturelle

First drive came back to haunt us 🤦🏽‍♀️ onto next. Defeat Cincinnati and get our spot back

    Jordan Davis

    We definitely should’ve just kicked the 3 there on the first drive


    THIS. Everyone is focusing on the 2pt conversion, but they left 3 pts on the field in the first drive.

    Kevin Tregoning

    IMO the first drive doesn’t matter. The reason we scored 7 on the second drove was because we forced the 3 and out from our own 4 and got it back around midfield. If we kick it there they don’t get it at the 4 which changes the game and we may not score there. So you just can’t say that


They should of gone for 1 point not 2 points because if they keep going for 2 points then they would be out of the playoffs

Herb YaBoi410 Mays

How is the NFL ignoring its own tie breaker rules smh 🤦


    How you mean

    coty warwick


    Herb YaBoi410 Mays

    Head to head is #1 tie breaker and we beat both ind and chargers yet they both are ahead in playoff picture

    Geno Darin

    @Herb YaBoi410 Mays I believe it’s because they’ve played so poorly within the AFC north

    Dixon Cyder

    Don’t work like that never has comes down to conference wins the AFC you should stop watching and commenting on stuff u don’t know nothing about u look foolish you could probably get you a coaching job on this team though

Jace Woods

27 targets between Hollywood and Andrews Bateman and Wallace 2 Really? Maybe you should’ve gone for 2 the TD before the last but if not Brown crossing was WIDE open while Andrews doubled 🤔🤨😠

    Francisco Davis


    Aaron cook


    Dixon Cyder

    Never go for 2 when u can tie regroup and take it to ot imagine being a player who just came all the way back from a deficit to let you coach ruin the game like that and u got the best kicker in tha history of the game imagine being him and it’s not the first time


Tired of losing good games on 2-pt conversions with one of the worst conversion % in the league 🥲


    End the game NOW after scoring 2 TD’s in the 4th quarter and holding Rodgers to 3 and out… OR, put the ball in Rodgers hands against a 4th and 5th string secondary… it was NO DOUBT the right call, win or lose.

    Dixon Cyder

    @j why he do it against Pittsburgh? when’s the last time any coach has done it let alone 2 times? definitely the wrong call cause he lost the game 🤡

    Drew matteo

    Bad call…your forgetting that you go into OT and you rely on a coin flip so it’s 50/50 who gets the ball first.

    Moe A

    @Drew matteo true but I take that 50/50 better then that 2/8 mark on 2 pt conversions

Dixon Cyder

Harbaugh kills moral just at the right time playoff time the guy needs to go hes not fit for the job anymore

Big Daddy

Roll the dice on 1 play instead of kicking extra point and going overtime and possibly have multiple chances to win…Bone head coach lost his team 2 games.

dave christopher

The Ravens will make the playoffs. John Harbaugh….”over my dead body” 🤣 🤣 🤣

Jordan Davis

Mark Andrews is such a great player. Him and Huntley came through today

    Khalil Randall

    But they lost by my team green bay packers

    Kenneth Scott

    @Joshua They still loss


    Mark is officially elite!!!!!!!


    @aravendownsouth I swear


On the first drive, we should have kicked the FG. I knew it would come back on us


    Yes. I am 100% OK with the 2pt conversion call vs putting the ball in Rodgers hands against a depleted secondary, but Coach made a bad call leaving the points on the field on the first drive.


    @j even with the point conversion Rodgers was getting the ball smdh

    Kevin Tregoning

    Not true If we kick 3 there then take away 7 the following drive. After we turned it over on downs we held them 3 and out at our own 4 then got it back around midfield and scored 7. That td doesn’t happen without going for it


    @Kevin Tregoning disagree. Packers could of still went 3 and out never know where they would of started from after the kick off they could of fumbled the kick as well like they have a lot this year.

Josh Humphries

Why do they keep thinking they can go for 2? Based on what? Going for it on 4th and 1 in the 1st qtr cost them game winning points as well. 3 times in a row, game costing fails just to profile as being “aggressive”. Doesnt look aggressive if you cant make the play.


    Because they just scored 2 touchdowns in the 4th quarter and forced GB to go 3 and out on the previous possession. There was no reason to believe that was not their best chance to win.

    Dixon Cyder

    @j Pittsburghs sending him the game ball too

Rocky Shipley

Poor poor decision once again.Use common sense and give your team a fighting chance and kick the extra point.We have the best kicker in the league.This is very scary stuff moving forward.Lost for words.


    So you rather tie the game and give the ball to Aaron Rodgers against a depleted secondary with 2+ minutes left?

    Dixon Cyder

    @j goofy there was 40 seconds


I appreciate the players supporting the coach’s decisions, but I hope Harbaugh is called on the carpet by his boss and his players behind closed doors… This is 3 weeks of the same. They earned the right to play longer.


    That will never happen, and that is why the Ravens are such a top notch organization. You don’t undermine coaches and win year after year. That sounds like some Cowboys or Browns drama.

    Dixon Cyder

    @j no that’s Cincinnati who is also sending Harbaugh another game ball

Tonja Bowman

What a hurtful loss , the team played there butt off today . Good call by Harbaugh but G-Ro ran that same play last week . But the team was EXCELLENT today. Andrews Huntley , all of the team . I am proud of you all


    I agree that they should have had Andrews in the middle of the end zone, not against the sidelines.

    Dixon Cyder

    @j u a real clown he rolled out so anyone in the middle is irrelevant


When will harbaugh be held accountable?

    Calvin Parker

    Apparently never smh…

Roland Bishop

Harbaugh is getting carried away with these 2 point conversions and going for it early on 4th down he’s leaving points on the field??? 🔥

    Moe A

    Harbough getting to old and I think starting to lose some screws upstairs after the season better re-evaluate him and prob push him into retirement maybe next season he starts passing out on the sideline and getting spooked and woken up to refs whistles

    Darren Duncan

    @Moe A 😆

this is my account yay!

Tyler Huntley played like a stud and has been proving he’s a starter QB. I’d hate for him to leave the Ravens but will be extremely happy for him. He truly deserves it. Now for the Harbs haters wanting him fired you must be out of your damn mind. No coach will be 8-6 with a beat up team. The coach is not just responsible for the play calling and preparation of the players. He’s also responsible for the morale of the team and Harbaugh has been doing an amazing job making this team a family. We’ll end up wining the division in the next couple games. “Believe dat” – LJ

    Darren Duncan

    @Michael Erickson 32? Lol. WOW! Man you are really an old veteran of Baltimore sports.🤣

    Darren Duncan

    @Michael Erickson Oh, and the Ravens came here from Cleveland and had that very first NFL season in 1996, not 1997.

    Darren Duncan

    @Michael Erickson PIMP?! I’m a born again saint of the Living God in Christ. 😂

    Darren Duncan

    @Michael Erickson GOD FORBID!!! 🤣😂😅

The Nature of Fishing

Very professional. Very focused. Excellent interview.

    Dixon Cyder

    So what they lost


This guys a beast


You guys have this!!!!

Beat Bengals, Rams and Steelers!!

    Michael Erickson

    Amen BROTHER

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