Mark Andrews: Our Backs Are Against the Wall | Baltimore Ravens – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

Mark Andrews: Our Backs Are Against the Wall | Baltimore Ravens

Tight end Mark Andrews talks about the excitement of this week and confidence that the Ravens can go on a run late in the season.

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Snap Chat

They lying about these COVID results that’s all I’m gonna say.


    @Steezy – 250K people do not die from the flu nor pneumonia in less than 8 months. Do you folks not understand that is more deaths than the past wars.


    @Ruler of the NFL agreed

    Snap Chat

    @33ladyRAM bruh the mask doesn’t keep you from getting it it prevents you from giving it to other people so even if jk didn’t wear a mask or did doesn’t make a difference

    Snap Chat

    @33ladyRAM and they gotta be fake bc how did jk get it and not more people in the facility or the titans team


    @Snap Chat – there may be many reasons why some of the titan players did not get it just like some of our players did not get it. Wasn’t the Titans one of the first teams to test positive with multiple players and many games had to be shifted around? Anyways, it is possible because so many was exposed it doesn’t affect them. Also, yes the mask does help from giving it to someone else but it does help from getting it as well for certain individuals. I do not know but they know this is a major game so why lie about sitting out 3 of our good players? This game could make/break us for the playoffs…it doesn’t make sense to play the COVID game. Why would Coach H sabotage their season?

Leo Dinez

Lol 🤣🤣🤣🤣 overrated ravens

    Leo Dinez

    @Anonymous look don’t take it personal it’s between my brother and I he’s a ravens fan and I’m a chiefs we just go back and forward to see who gets more people saying something but if your butt hurt it’s on you

    Leo Dinez

    @Lambert Brownsmith 😂😂😂😂 i suffered enough been a Chiefs fan trust me I’m enjoying my time finally been a chiefs is not that great lol


    @Leo Dinez You’re full of hate. You need Jesus Christ in your life. God bless 🙏🏽

    Leo Dinez

    @Anonymous GOD BLESS brother trust me he’s always with me


    @Leo Dinez chiefs are over hyped


Well this young team is certainly in the fire. Adversity…it can make you or break you. I am praying no more injuries for NO teams!

Ruler of the NFL

Mark the goat


Champions fight the hardest when their backs are against the wall. MANdrews and the Ravens will succeed. I am certain of it

    Dan Wolf

    ravens play best when they are underdogs

    TC Living

    “MANdrews” I have never heard that lol but I will now be using it.




We’ve been saying the same thing all season and nothing has changed except for dobbins stepping up.

Christian Backmon

When your back is against the wall, there’s nowhere to go but forward.

Village Idiot

Sports reporters are the dumbest people on the planet, or they think their readers are the dumbest people on the planet. NOT A SINGLE QUESTION RELEVANT TO HOW THEY’RE GOING TO WIN.


Teach your teammates. how to run routes since apparently your coaches aren’t able to…….

Michael Hession

This game on Thursday reminds me of when we had to face the Chargers in Week 16 of 2018.They were going for the No 1 Seed and if we had lost the 2019 offense might have never been seen. Plus its against the Steelers in Pittsburgh on Thanksgiving. This game is like David vs Goliath.

chi ghost

Were going to have to fight tooth and nail the rest of this season to get to that superbowl


Yeah Andrews, if you didn’t drop that ball in the end we would’ve probably won.

Lee Palmer

Love Mark! No one is perfect. He plays well! Hang in there Ravens it’s not over yet. Like Mark said plenty of games 🙏left to play! Go Ravens!

Kai Sommers

The haters can keep hating, but I’m with Andrews. Were about to prove we can win important games👀

    Nate The Great

    They haven’t YET

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