Mark Andrews: I Feed Off Criticism | Baltimore Ravens – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Watson Ripley


King Wani

Donโ€™t care about this win beat a team that matters like idk THE CHIEFS

    Mittens mcghee

    @BMORE 4LYFE He/we not mad, were not impressed….like try not to over throw two wide open recievers!

    jonathan dorelus

    Mittens mcghee exactly

    King Wani

    Mittens mcghee facts

    jonathan dorelus

    King Wani Iโ€™m not impressed neither we didnโ€™t even play that good this game the Washington football team a sorry team

    B-DuB 813

    You go out there and beat the Chiefs since its so easy. You wrote the same comment on other videos. You aren’t a Ravens fan. Just a hater in disguise.

Bladeseth _

Lj god


Good game ravens. I like both teams since Iโ€™m in the DMV.

ryan damon


Lori Noble

Lorinoble Baltimore raves fans

jonathan jones

I’m Single ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜ฅ

    Grady Willson


Omaris Colon

We have to beat playoffs teams too!!

    Fran Godi

    @MrJeckel your absolutely right but let’s be honest besides Andrews and an 80 pound receiver the Ravens are not that great in defense Elliott will not be the answer sorry no wayyyyyyy they will win it they’ll be knocked out right away

    Fran Godi

    @aaron butler that was last year forget about that

    Fran Godi

    @B-DuB 813 who cares about last season also other teams improve and teams are reading the Ravens way easier

    B-DuB 813

    @Fran Godi Ok. The only loss was against the Chiefs(The Reigning Superbowl Champions). Its the beginning of the season and the Ravens have yet to show their true potential. You act like the Ravens can’t make adjustments like “other” teams.


    Fran Godi if Elliot isnโ€™t the answer than who is Earl Thomas? I donโ€™t see how seeing as tho we lost to chiefs and playoff game with him and he didnโ€™t do anything either game. Ravens are still great tho. Ravens offense doesnโ€™t need hella top WRs. Plus a lot of top receivers donโ€™t have rings anyway so tell me what they doing it for. The ravens wonโ€™t be knocked out right away. Donโ€™t let 2 losses only 2 cloud your judgement

Mittens mcghee

Remember that in the playoffs

    Johnnieboiii N.S.A

    Most definitely

    Marcus Anderson

    That is all!

jonathan dorelus

Every win in the nfl is important and Iโ€™m happy we won but I donโ€™t really care about this game we didnโ€™t play that good defensively or offensively today Washington football team is trash


    I disagree. We played good today. Washington isnโ€™t trash. They arenโ€™t great but by end of season I bet they have better record than most thought coming into season.

Vanji Cagahastian

Big Truss!!!!! Wooo!!!! Wooo!!! Rock Paper scissors โœ‚๏ธโœ‚๏ธโœ‚๏ธ shoot! Touchdown Mark Andrews


All the bandwagon fans showing wariness with the squad. Just a reminder – this is still the most exciting ravens offense we’ve EVER seen.
The defense is a bit porous though, but they’ll get better with the season. Bet


    The O Line is terrible though. They allow way too many sacks. Need to find a replacement for Yanda


    @Kaijucifer I agree that the o line has mostly been sloppy at best this season, but I also have no reason to think that it won’t get better as time goes on. Our O line has a lot of complicated blocking schemes, so I think it’s just a matter of getting those reps in. Especially since we’re tasking a rookie with replacing Yanda. Sloppiness is expected, I (hopefully) it will get better as the season progresses.

    This game was a HUGE boost in my confidence in the unit. Obviously almost every part of our team was going to look better than last night, because we were going against the Football Team, not much difficulty there. But if there is one thing they have going for them, it’s their D-Line. They are one of the best D-Lines in the NFL, even without Chase Young. The fact that we only allowed one sack (against Lamar, I don’t know if RG3 got sacked or not) is a very promising look, especially with our weird O-Line lineup today.

    (I am by no means an expert, I’ve only really been paying attention to football for a few years, outside of that I was a “oh cool, the Raven’s won last night” kind of fan. This is just my opinion on what I’ve picked up over 3-4 years)



    El - Amin

    @abbott360 I agree, Jim is terrible!

tory askew

Please beat the Chiefs – Pretty please! You can do it, if…..

Fran Godi

who cares about last season also other teams improve and teams are reading the Ravens way easier

Donovan Sales Sr.

Mark Andrews is the 3rd BEST TE in the NFL


    his 1st to me

    Bucco Beezy

    Thegaminghero not with his primetime drops

    Donovan Sales Sr.

    @Bucco Beezy Look at his stats
    No team CANT GUARD him 1-1



El Poundo

Small game player

Takera Mackall

Is it just me or does this video make Mark look like a Madden character lol ๐Ÿ˜‚

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