Luke Getsy on Fields: ‘He’s attacking every day the right way’ | Chicago Bears – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

Getsy: “What you gonna do?”

Field’s: “ATTACK”

Getsy: “I Love This Guy”

Bears Fans: “LFG”


Alex H

Liking what i am hearing from an ACTUAL offensive mind 😉 The tape never lies baby!


    nope the tape never does ;D God Bless…

Nicholas Richey

Don’t call draw plays on 3rd n 6 in opp territory. He should be more aggressive. Fields also missed Mooney wide open over da middle on that sharpe catch but it’s a work in progress I get it

    Nate T

    Ummmm watch the qb school breakdown

    Nicholas Richey

    @Nate T I get he was gettin hit in the face but I still see Mooney wide open but I get what ur seeing

    Kevin Loven

    He called that play to protect Fields, if it was regular season I guarantee you he wouldn’t have called that play. It’s preseason, u can afford to call plays like that because if it works, hey, maybe you got something there, if it doesn’t work, who cares, it’s the preseason.

    Chicago Land

    They know it’s a 3rd and long the point of it was to catch the defense off guard everything not gonna work it was a good try with a o line that getting to be very good

    Chicago Land

    @Nicholas Richey when mooney was open it was a stacked play which means there to many people in the same spot it was a error

Disgruntled Bears Fan

You can’t hear the FING questions


    They sound like their in another room or locked in a closet lol


JF said Getsy is a “mastermind”! JF + UNO = #1! BEAR DOWN!

Jesse Eats

He makes matt nagy sound horrible lol

Brandon and Kenya TV

This coaching Staff Has done more for Justin Fields in 3 months then Matt Nagy did all of last year

    JF1Bears4Ever 2 🇺🇦

    We just need a new team president and new owners, and we’ll be just fine! Get Ted and the McCaskey’s outta here after this season!

    Chicago Land

    @JF1Bears4Ever 2 🇺🇦 Ted should be retiring after this season. Owner just bought a stadium

Bobby Smith Jr

Jenkins at guard is better, he’s a little off in PP in space.

    Priest Qadash Malak

    They should’ve been put Jenkins at Guard


    He has shorter arms when he’s beat off the edge he lacks The length to extend and recover maybe better as a guard


Beautiful talent we are seeing here, I am so happy we have awesome coaches now, it will help our players for sure, and I am looking forward to this season, Bear Down!


This is what competence sounds like something Matt The Hack Nagy hasn’t a clue.

JF1Bears4Ever 2 🇺🇦

Only 1 preseason game in and I’m already liking Getsy’s offense a lot. When Byron, Velus, Harry and Patrick come back, boy will it be fun. 😌🐻👇

Jax .sonn

I love the constructive criticism from Getsy

Barry Turner

Getsy “gets it”, as OC!!!!

Damien Mead

Great honest constructive feedback on the QBs – not just blowing smoke all time.

Taurean Whitfield

Man I’m excited to see how Getsy develops this offense into looking professional


This guy sounds like he knows the why’s.


My first impression with Luke Getsy is that he runs a lot motion so his quarterbacks can easily determine if it’s man or zone , checks at the of scrimmage and he actually man beaters for man and zone beaters for zone ‼️ something we never had under Nagy he just called anything no matter what da defense was in 💯

Anthony Jefferson

No more y’z…soo fucking glad to see a real offensive minded coach

Mishmish zorba


Kornfed73 Chi Bears

Such an honest description of the offense

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