Los Angeles Chargers vs. Cleveland Browns Week 5 Game Preview – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Drimc Smith The M&Ms Mix Fan

I know my 2nd favorite team(chargers) Better not blow this. Chargers 27-18


As a browns fan this could get ugly

Jet Up Until Life Down

Have to see whether Browns would brown it away or Chargers would charger it up 😆 🤣
Game or the week for me to see who would choke more


    We always chargers it because joe Lombardi always has terrible play calls in the second half.

    B T

    @TYLE_28 On god, Lombardi has gotta stop this overly cautious in the 2nd half BS

    B K

    @B T Sounds EXACTLY like the Browns lol

    Chazz Treat

    @B T fortunately you face a Joe Woods led defense so expect at 30 points scored for the Bolts.


I’ll say this the browns look to have the edge in this matchup but.. the chargers got elf magic in Herbert lol


    Yea news flash, the Browns more then looked like they had the edge against the Jets and Falcons

Arihant Aneja

the only, and i mean only, chance we have at winning this is if nick chubb and kareem hunt run all over the chargers defense. the offense needs to score first with how terrible our defense has been.

Dylan Wolfram

Hopefully a shootout like last year

Golden Kings Toys

Chubb and herbo will have big games but brisett will throw picks that will end them

    nigga i aint gay

    sounds good to me

bruce lau

hopefully it’s a shootout like it was last season, but Chargers got that magic in Herbert for sure
Chargers 27-21


As a fan of both the chargers and the browns in just hoping for a good game with no injuries to either team

    Max79 🥇

    I would cheer for Cleveland this year if I were you. They are going to win that game this weekend


I haven’t seen fans respect each other’s teams like I am rn hahaha GGs lads 🤝⚡️

    Max79 🥇

    For real man

    Henry Allen

    As a browns fan I think this will be a good game, the only way I think we win if if we get clowney and Garett and Keenan stays out

Gonzalez Gonzalez



It’s gonna be who has more yards, Herbert in the air, or chubb on the ground. Should be a great game


    nah its gonna be how dumb the Browns coaching staff wants to be. The Browns literally had 1st and goal from the 1 two separate times last week. Didnt score either, because for some reason they dont want to hand it off to chubb, who isnt getting stuffed at the line 4x in a row. Or if they dont wanna do that they could have done a qb sneak with Brissett who has a 95% efficiency rate at qb sneak…

    Adam Black

    not fair to expect a running back to outgain a quarterback

    Adrian Gonzalez

    @Adam Blackits fair when its the chargers and im a charger fan lol they love giving people rushing yards all accross


As a Browns fan, this season has been disappointing. Our receiving corp has been abysmal and our defense is inconsistent. Idk if they are doing this to make the Deshaun Watson trade look good, but I don’t see them winning this game. Chargers 21-10 and maybe we have a bounce back game vs the Patriots.


This is gunna be a good fantasy game


As a Browns fan I see the Chargers trying to get an early lead fast. The Browns won’t be able to run Chubb if their defense already allowed 3 tds in the first half.


Browns secondary is starting to gel and gonna shine in this game and their restored D line will come away with a lot of quick qb hits. Chubb runs for 200 and 2 TDs in a statement game.

24-21 chargers

    Fernando Llamas

    So you pick the Chargers to still win by 3?

Chargers Fan

Tough game last year, tough game this year, DBs make this game with takeaways.

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hopefully it’s a shootout like it was last season, but Chargers got that magic in Herbert for sure
Chargers 27-21


chargers need to get an early lead AND shut down the browns running game. Force them to pass. Hopefully Keenan will be back and hopefully they use Bandy some. I think defense will focus on Williams and Allen, if he plays. So, Bandy will probably be oppen. Would also like to see spiller get some carries. So far, Michel has NOT been impressive. I thin he has a 2.2 ypc average. But, our stupid coaching staff wont use players until someone gets injured and they are forced to. Look at bandy, 2 catches on 2 targets forf 49 yards. Keenan has missed the last 3 weeks and they finallly let bandy play. Probably because Guyton is alwso out. IF the browns are able to run the ball, they could win the game. Chargers defense is STILL NOT good against the run.


Browns secondary is starting to gel and gonna shine in this game and their restored D line will come away with a lot of quick qb hits. Chubb runs for 200 and 2 TDs in a statement game.

24-21 chargers

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