Lock ‘focusing on the little things’ after uneven Saturday outing – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Alvin Cly

John Elway is for BLM


    Elway is for fairness but toughness… and equality for ALL people… the biggest killer of black people IS ABORTION- ALL LIVES MATTER!


    that’s why he signed Kaepernick?


Yes Drew Don’t be afraid to improve your game that leads to results and a mark of a good QB don’t ever rest on laurels until you have that Lombardi trophy in your hand

Whats Knew

Great job Broncos keep up the fight for social justice. Way to be the change you want to see. Proud to be a fan.

    Brad Earthman

    No social justice for kids though. 3000 children sex trafficked a year vs 1000 black people killed by police. Media, politician, and other support is for political gain/virtue signaling/following what’s in the news.

    Whats Knew

    @Brad Earthman first off comparing atrocities to minimize positive action towards social justice in this country is pathetically stupid. Thanks for letting me know your a mindless spineless racist. There are FBI task forces who’s sole purpose is to catch child predators. There are local police departments with divisions specified to catch child predators. The US Marshall also assist in catching child predators. Name one tax founded criminal justice organization creating social change fighting against racism in this country and there accomplishments please and thank you. Your false equivalency comparison is ignorant at best. What are you doing personally to combat child sex trafficking? Yet I bet you participate in racism and are clearly upset to see freedom, justice and equality for Americans. F your fake sympathy for children and your anti American sentiments. How do you racist say, if you don’t like it go to a different country. Russia is racist with zero social justice and no progress in sight. According to you nobody can fight for social justice because pedophiles and rapists exist. I guess all arrest and non child trafficking cases should be suspended until we don’t have any pedophiles and rapists in this country. Yeah, that makes sense. Plus this is coming from someone who does not believe in the bible but I agree with the bible that rapist should be put to death. I guarantee before both of us die I would have done more to combat pedophiles and rapists than you. How many pedophiles and rapists have you and or plan to removed from society? NOT to mention somehow in your twisted mind 1000 black people murdered by police a year is perfectly find and we should not be concerned about it. Yet, you are trying to act like you care about life and humans suffering? Yeah right.

Mr Orange

I hate these bots. They are so annoying to see in every comments section on YT. That being said Drew just gotta know he got it. He can’t question it. Kid has it.


    yes he has it but I love he is willing to improve his game

Higher Learnings

Hopefully they turn down the crowd noise when our offense is on the field at home

Sham Rock

Looking at his hair, I can’t take this guy serious.

    The Discussion

    That’s helmet hair for ya


    you may be gay… see someone about that


    judge him by how much you like his haircut not his gun.

kung fu kenny

Glad they are focusing on his footwork. Most of his mistakes are because of footwork


    TOTALLY… he needs to keep that in mind until his mechanics are perfect… and his pocket awareness like all scrambling QB’s coming out of college needs to be developed… it’s not good because we don’t have OT’s that can be trusted at the moment yet he MUST TRUST the POCKET & only scramble when NECESSARY… still these are good days when you have a talented guy & the things you complain about are all totally fixable with the will to do so the reps & game experience… very happy with our FRANCHISE QB… that being said I really hope Gordon is healthy for the season because we are going to need to RUN THE BALL!

Lou Pinedo

I love his attitude and his maturity for a 2nd year QB who has the talent physically to be the best QB the Broncos has EVER drafted in our GREAT history!!!!! DB4L!!!!

lone voice

have realistic expectations he is still really a rookie

    Bryce Flemister

    No he isn’t

roger twitty

this kid just had a garbage practice….and sounds like a 10 year vet…..WE MIGHT HAVE THE ONE BOYS……….SIGN TALIB


    SIGN Logan Ryan we brought Bouye in to be our Talib

Ronald Samples

We got it locked with Locke

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