Lock, Broncos look to finish strong vs. Raiders | Ready for Kickoff – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Zachary Mitchell


Don Quixote

Pay Justin he stays healthy and is great

    Lexsi Smith

    He’s always healthy and plays every snap. He’s the reason we have the interceptions that we do. We need to pay him.

Darville Leonard

New changes for this team new ownership and clean up front office and get trustees out

denver broncos 1987

No way no way no way no way if the broncos win they will draft #15 if they lose they pick at least #7

    StrayCO 303720

    It’s hard to want them to lose but that is a big difference in a draft pick.

    denver broncos 1987

    @StrayCO 303720 it’s simple really, they win they will lose if they lose they will win in the draft and if they are staying with lock then there isn’t anything to win for the season is gone cya ba bye. They need to lose

    denver broncos 1987

    @StrayCO 303720 and actually if things play out the broncos actually have a chance at the #5 pick

    StrayCO 303720

    @denver broncos 1987 Yeah I agree. I would like to see Lock to have a good game but we just lose because of other circumstances.

    StrayCO 303720

    @denver broncos 1987 Unfortunately I feel like Broncos will win this game though. I’ve never said anything like that but I agree with you. It would be better for our team

Joseph Tafoya

Let’s go !!

Adrian Alvarado

Ahh I miss CJ! He went off against the pats

Juan Carlos Torrex Sánchez

Finish strong match 16 ??? When they couldn’t do it in at least 10 previous games, what kind of cheap joke is this?
I think it’s time for us to look back on these last 5 years and be honest with the direction of our Broncos
No restructuring, lousy drafting, cheap free agency, poor coaching staff and a CEO and GM that don’t meet the expectations of this great team Go try to fool other loyal fans …

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