LIVE: Mike McCarthy Press Conference | Dallas Cowboys 2022 – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE


Easy Does it 1985

I wonder next preseason game. Cowboys are going to be blocking from the back, and pulling d line players on the ground when they cheat chargers out of that game. Roger Goodell was there he would have not allowed that to happen. Thats alot penalties on there behalf. Flags should of been thrown.

    Bryan Bradford

    You goof! Lol



Ben Henderson

Flags fly when they fly, play through flags.
Refs screw us too. It’s ok

    Easy Does it 1985

    Its totally uncool, just there way of saying…they want to look good on media. I like teams that play blood, sweat, and tears…Instead of cowboys dishonest plays.

Cactus G

GD, y’all trin to save money on the volume?



Abdullah Uthman


Johnny Burroughs

Cheating huh? Cry baby’s


I couldn’t be any Happier with Mike McCarthy as Our HC but I wish I could see him more energetic at game days. Lighting up the defense and offense against the diversity. Week in and week out.

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