LIVE: HC Ron Rivera speaks to the media after practice – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
David Osborne

Love these updates AND can you get your sound people on the ball to have the sound start at the beginning…just like the game it’s the little things that make a huge difference

Jeff Lovin fishin


Offto anotherworld

Every time. The sound man 🤦🏽‍♂️

    Jb Johnson

    Every freaking time!!

Justin Czech

Sound guy isn’t getting it done 👍

    Samuel Dorcil


Lee Smyth


King 👑

2-0 or bust




    I feel you!, but knowing that teams get better every year, i can see us losing either the first 2. Ultimately i think we’ll be 2-0


    Yeah I need to see 2-0 before I even think about buying any new merch otherwise I’ll be wearing my Redskins jerseys on game days


    @DAILYGRIND Thass a Fact😂

J Bey

They need to sign a veteran media engineer. It took this guy 6 months to learn ins, outs, and fade(er)s. Im calling bust on this rookie. Back to you Julie…


Bruhhhhhhhhhhh fix this!!!!!!!

Merl Garrett

I still think Jim tomsula should be defensive line coach. These guys loved him.

Matt H

Sound at 1:30

Kevin Fleming

Going into year 3 with this revamped media staff and still can’t get the audio right 🤦🏻‍♂️

Lance Ewbank

Fire the sound guy

Craig Reichard

What joke 😳

Pryor Atchison

I believe there would be more success in these videos if there’s actually sound from the get go.


Ron, Ron, Ron , Ron, Ron you’re giving too many details, talking too much to the media. That’s not a friend!!!

Willis Lee

PSA: Sound begins at 1:32 into the video.


Billion Dollar team and they hire a $20/hr sound engineer 🕊💨🔫

Chuck Taylor

No sound

Elliott Hawks

Come on guys – sloppy.

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