LeSean McCoy: ‘As I Look At This Team, I Don’t See Any Flaws | Press Conference – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Devin Congdon

Came to hear about the team, not listen to the news.

    Morgan Reynolds

    @Tydyjav There are things at stake much more important than business models. Long term, they’ll have been on the right side of history.

    Cameron D

    Jareck Frohlich Jareck I just think there might be a misunderstanding between y’all. I’m all for changing our society to best serve equality, but there’s no correlation between sports and politics. Yes they are people too, but to inject politics where you work isn’t attractive for anyone. It’s very uncomfortable and can turn people off whether you agree with the politics or not. You know what I mean??


    Cameron D exactly. When I turn on a game, if it gets political (whether I agree with it or not) I turn the channel.

    Morgan Reynolds

    Whatever, you want to be closed minded, that’s cool. I can assure you that these athletes don’t care if it upsets you. They’re using their platform to bring attention to something that matters to them. Whine all you want, they’re gonna do what they want to do, even if affects their bottom line. Having the courage of their convictions is more important than disappointing the privileged whiners.


    Ah, the name calling starts. Since we’re personally attacking, shouldn’t you be out there looting, robbing killing and setting stuff on fire with your comrades?

Ryan Pruitt

Lesean a real one

Never Ending Meditation

Wow this is bad…

Rice King

This was a very very insightful interview.

Larsonian Larson

Great interview – Such a pro


Note this day, 27 Aug 2020…..Jenna asked a question that didn’t mention Tom Brady.

Nancy Laflash

You Should leave out all those questions that are not related to football, other than that McCoy we love you “GO Bucks”.

Jack Trudel

What a fantastic acquisition. He’s going to be great for the team.

Griffin S

Hah gotta laugh at the media playin the people once again.

Mr. Blake was being subdued and was even eventually tasered, but he pulled a knife which caused the police to jump back and yell drop the knife. Civillians were also telling him to drop it and were screaming at him to stop. He was tased and still wouldnt drop the knife. They gave him all the time in the world and followed de-escalation protocol. The moment you have done all that and are going so far as trying to get something from the car or into a car (a deadly weapon containing children that could be used as hostages or killed if a shootout later ensues) you are potentially putting lives at risk and making it more more dangeous for police to contain and or neutralize. The right actions were taken.

    Seth Chandler

    Shhhh! You’ll ruin the narrative and hurt the communist takeover.

    Seth Chandler

    Lebron James the new military commander of Communist China is gonna see this

Chill Time

Those pesky little facts that have come out would say otherwise. Don’t start acting like Lebron cuz we don’t wanna hear it. Study the facts a little more and stick to football and you may just keep us tampa fans excited for this year.

    Morgan Reynolds

    Shut up and dribble eh? Guess what, if you can’t respect them as humans and try to understand what they’ve been through, growing up a black man in America, then I don’t think they want you as a fan anyway. You don’t respect them, you don’t learn or listen, so why should they give AF what you do? Bye!

    Chill Time

    Morgan Reynolds LOL!! Blah , blah, blah LOL!! Those facts and videos buddy will get you everytime

Scot Dykstra

This was one of the best interviews. I believe McCoy ususally gives great interviews with a lot of insight into the team and his experience. Thanks Shady!

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