Leonard Fournette on Bucs Journey to the Super Bowl | Press Conference – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

I had a feeling y’all were gonna win this game. Good job guys!

Tom Brady

Let’s go Lenny

jeff goodrich

Can’t believe he actually let it out. I have been a rojo fan all year over him but he just has the mindset right now. He deserves to start

    Matt L

    I am all about some Rojo but I didn’t want to see him on field over 4net

    Blue Eyes

    Cody Vandal reminds me of Blount kind of.

    Jeff Sharpe

    Huge facts

    LISTENER 2700E

    The thing is every other week one would perform and the other wouldn’t. It’s a good thing we had both of them. But in the playoffs Fournette has definitely stood out more than Rojo.

    Clutch Sports

    @LISTENER 2700E well, Rojo has been hurt in the playoffs so the comparison isn’t 100% tbh

Team Time Riders

“Playoff Lenny” is such a great name. Looking for him to show up big in the super bowl!

    Robert Lind


    Thegamebred Ramon

    @Robert Lind sound nice!!!

Justin Husmann

You’re touchdown was so good man! We need playoff Lenny in the sb ❤️

Elvis A McGhee

That TD run was a great run! Big ups Len

David Rolfe

Excellent play, true stand out guy in this game taking the bucs to the magic 55 👍😀🇬🇧

Andy Pham

Remember how the jags released him. Jags were just desperate to lose this season

    Danny Flo

    An undrafted RB worked harder than him, and they signed chris thompson as their pass catching RB and they saved $ so it was a good move for them both sides he gets his sb trip

    Captain Forever

    @Danny Flo didnt save them much. They still had to pay him millions in guaranteed money because of how his contract was structured so Tampa got him dirt cheap

    vuth suon

    @Captain Forever yup he even told tampa to give the lowest so he can get as much from the jags

    Bryce Peters

    @eggsriceandcheese They did indeed succeed in failing.

    John Solly583

    Realistically fournette is an average player. Most interchangeable position in sports

Stephen Broadley

pleased for him.he’s looked very sharp through these playoffs and joining the buccs means he gets to play in a superbowl.

JJ Faris

Your 29yd run with a little hurtle and then spin move was amazing.

Sam Holder

that TD was mighty – your poise and performance in the playoffs have earned you a #1 spot

Chris Maile

Epic touchdown run. Love this guy. Need to sign him up for next year. Playing at home for the Super Bowl. Go Bucs

BruceArians Sucks

Lenny and AB have turned around their lives out side the sport now it’s paying off on the field

    Brenden O'Leary

    Lenny has never had any off the field problems…so this makes no sense.

    antonio Williams

    @Brenden O’Leary he was getting in trouble in Jacksonville and him getting thrown in jail was the last straw and they cut him Fournette said.. TB12 still saw something in him just like AB and told the Bucs to get him.

    Anthony Davis

    I wish them both success


Over the course of this year, Lenny has gone from the team who earned the #1 overall to a team playing in the Super Bowl. I’d say things worked out for him.

Jonathan Black

GREAT job Leonard. We all make mistakes – we forgive and move forward. You are a fine, decent human being: I’d be proud to be your friend. Football is an extreme TEAM sport. It takes everyone to make it happen. Congratulations – now, take your team to the FINAL win…just make it happen.

Jim Cahill

What a run – he had to jump over 700lbs of lineman meat, spin out of a tackle and then leap in for the TD – I did not see that happening at the start of the play.

    Misrak Tadesse



If the Bucs can establish the run against the Chiefs, it will keep Patrick off the field and slow that offense down

Johnny Rodriguez

We need 1 more solid game Lenny. Hands won’t be as cold in Tampa. Should be sticky

Edgardo Rivera

Why don’t you ask him about HIS journey Jenna?! 🙄

Ever Enigmatic

Performing at Cringe Theater:
“Talk About Your Journey”

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