Leonard Fournette Breaks Down Late Touchdown vs. Panthers | Press Conference – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Alternative Facts Coterie

I hope we can keep Fournette long term. He is a beast running back and has a really good head on his shoulders. All I need now is for Ray J to open for fans.


I drafted rojo in the 5th round. If fournette takes more snaps from rojo, I’m ok with it!

    TB12StillThe G.O.A.T

    @Mexican Zeppelin I’m fine with some communication issues and rust the first 2 games. But week 3 I really don’t want to be making these same excuses. That will be 2 full games and a month of team practices.

    Mexican Zeppelin

    @TB12StillThe G.O.A.T ouch, not too generous with the process there, goat. I’ll be very lenient with them and hand them, with a descending number of negative impact plays per week, at least 8 weeks. Remember in 2018 the Patriots offense didn’t find itself (that power running game that they used to destroy the Chargers) until maybe week 13. It’s a process, there are no rules about how long it will take, but I don’t think the Bucs will take that long because they have a full playbook to work with, unlike the Pats in 2018. Today, I swear that miscommunication between Tom and Gronk was another sign of a new offense, possibly a new play call to both of them. That ball was nowhere near Gronk, and that’s the telltale sign. But that stuff won’t take those two too long to eliminate.


    3rd round

    TB12StillThe G.O.A.T

    @Mexican Zeppelin 2018 Pats offense didn’t have near the talent of this offense. I’m not expecting them to be running perfectly. But using rust as an excuse for drops needs to stop by week 3.
    Basic communication between Gronk and Brady shouldn’t be taking this long with their history.
    Wrs reading coverages same as the qb does seem to have improved vastly from week 1 to week 2. That is why I’m expecting very few if any mistakes by week 3.

    I’ve said this said this a lot but the only player I’m worried about holding this offense and team back is Smith. Until I seem him man up and not get pushed around by good pass rushers everything doesn’t really matter.


    True fan

No Logic 3k

Start em!!

jeff goodrich

Couldn’t have made Better answers in a lab. So excited to have this guy

    TB12StillThe G.O.A.T

    They got some tough defenses coming up. Good test to see in the next few weeks

    Art of Free Speech

    Yeah, I have to admit, that was a really impressive press conference.

    Estate of Meredith

    Very under appreciated comment! Nailed it! 🍻

Curiosity Trader

Thanks Leonard for those Fantasy Points!


    Good play dude

stephanie Parker


stéphane A

I criticized his attitude at the beginning, but not now! Great answers.

Matthew Williams

Ole Lenny looked like a big cheetah running that football 🏈 👊

King VII

I know we all in for this year. but o want this guy long term. make it happen

Tom Janez

Love the honesty. I’ve listened to many Bucs players in these interviews. These are really terrific players who are TEAM guys, unselfish, want to play better for their teammates and coaches. A lot of class, professional football players all up and down this roster. And Gronk, OJ and Godwin hasn’t really contributed yet on offense. Shady dropping a TD pass from Tom. So offense is not in sync yet we’re 1-1. I’m excited for the season to unfold. Every game is fun again! And Fournettes run was BEASTLY in the 4th. Tom gotta love BEAST running to seal a W

    Mexican Zeppelin

    OJ wasn’t in sync today but had a TD last week. Godwin was the leading receiver last week, didn’t play today. Evans stepped up, but was off a bit last week. So it’s coming together. It’s a process. Two preseason games under their belt now, haha.

    Tom Janez

    Mexican Zeppelin Exactly! Just two games. There is such an upside for the O possibilities. They could put up 40 and you’d go “well Tom missed OJ here, Tom was intercepted over the middle, what about that fumble”. So the upside is exciting. The D stepped up, got some turnovers. All good! If the D can stay tight and Tom takes care of the ball, it’s going to be a great season!

    TB12StillThe G.O.A.T

    @Tom Janez By week 3 there shouldn’t be any more excuses. Few ints were a combo of bad throws and communication. Too many drops still. Until I see Smith hold up against some decent pass rushers he’s still a liability at LT.

Phea Voeng

Who said Fournette is washed up and Tom rolling down hill? Squad!


    washed up? Hes 25

Mexican Zeppelin

He’s a good interview, interesting comments that help us understand what’s going on. Seems like he’s going to have a role that will really be a beast for worn down defenses in the second half. Good luck if this guy gets his inch!


Ive noticed that this team is getting better each week I say they’ll be red hot on week 5

Estate of Meredith

He’s so focused! He will be our 🔨 . Listen to his awareness of the game. He’s a doer and takes criticism so well. How did we get him like this? Omg he’s a savant! Realdeal


Fournette needs more touches

Harshil Patel

They legit had 3 dropped tds wow


They are still figuring things out, give them 2 more games they gonna be trouble for others


So glad we got fournette… thanks, jags. Needed him

Enviro mental

This team hasn’t come near it’s ceiling yet. I think the defensive foundation is great and the offense will get better each week. It’s on to Denver.

Rick Robitaille

One of the rare backs who gets tougher in the fourth quarter…

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