Lazor: We’ve become more consistent as a unit | Chicago Bears – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Xander Brockman



Nagy needs to leave them the hell alone

Ctez Wawg

Bill Lazor has a nice ring to it.

Carny 2021

Glad Lazor is not tolerating David Montgomery slander

joneth piptne

Man if the Bears make it to the playoffs they will be the most dangerous team 💯


    As long as the Defense and Offense can play at it’s full potential like we’ve seen before, then yea most definitely 💯🧢🐻⬇️

    Chase Lane

    @4RedGames this offense is going crazy, I really like our play design now. With the play action rollouts and the run game it’s really good!


    @Chase Lane yea definitely but the Defense need to catch up 😂💯 but I’m hoping and sure they will.

    joneth piptne

    @4RedGames I’m hoping they definitely will going into the playoffs 🙏

Chrystal Hodges

Win game Chrystal hodges

Armando Herrera

Great explanation as to why we need to resign Allen Robinson. He’s a #1 receiver

    Keon Harbor

    he made it clear 💯

Thomas Adams

Hopefully we have a bunch a games left !? What BS a confidant person says we Have X amount of games left we WILL prepare to win bottom line guys soft as a pillow !!! fluffy !!

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