Latavius Murray’s best plays from 142-yard game | Week 15 – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE


Marc Morgan

It’s interesting how Klint’s play calling has propelled the team to play like they’re capable of for the past two weeks! I refuse to believe that Russell is “washed up” and responsible for the team’s woes! He played like his former self last week and his teammates have stepped up, too!

Hawaiian Made

Finally! The Broncos fans are leaving the stadium after the game, happy!

Kerrielissa-Sherwin Hoskie

Murray is a beast man I tell yah age is just a number… 👍

Oscar Gutierrez

Imagine having Javonte Williams and Murray on the field!


    And Mack as rb3


Wow, I just had a strange dream that the broncos scored more than twenty points in two straight games. Lol ..Absurd.

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