Larry Fitzgerald: ‘There’s A Lot Of Things We Can Improve On’ | Arizona Cardinals – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Kirito Andrew Đặng

Larry Legend 💜😇

IK- Da1s ッ

My favorite player let’s go!!

Landon Matson

Larry Legend

Вxb Demo


ryan damon


Bosco Gamer

Larry Legend 🐐


Larry is a positive influence on this team. You can tell the guys on this team model themselves after Larry.

Confused Ramen

Im going to AZ saturday I wanna meet Larry Legend

Joe Night Owl

Engage all defenses…and get this man a Superbowl Ring


#1 offense and we can still do better. With chase starting over drake our running game will be stronger, id love to see eno break out.

Max Utsch

Ari is mt favorite team hope you guys win i am a die hard fann i love larry Hopkins buda

Max Utsch

Legendary team

Beverly nocluze

Me and my husband wound love to meet Larry or at least send my husband, my son and brother-in-law. That is what my husband wants. Can’t afford it. Would make a wonderful Birthday present for him today.
Happy Birthday Dave.

    _ JDP2104 _

    Every cardinals fan would love to meet Larry

Beverly nocluze

We need more roll models like Larry Fitzgerald.

    Elijah Sanchez

    * role

Swish king

Larry the legend


“I’m talkin bout February”
Hell yeah Larry!

    Ari Andrusier

    When he has another amazing postseason and get the ring he’ll be considered the GOAT by all

Dre Santana

Played ball with Larry at lifetime fitness near the cardinals practice facility. He was so cool and down to earth. Plus our team won 3 games lol 💪always have mad love for Larry legend.

GLM 185

“I ain’t talking bout in January, I’m talking bout in February.” That’s just some goat talk right there.

D Hop

Plz pass to him more he’s my favorite player

Jonathan Keen

These interviews are cool to listen to, but is there a way to fix the audio volume differences between the people asking questions and the players/coaches?

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