Lamar Jackson’s Best Play in EVERY Game During MVP Season! – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Antoine Nguyen

This is the best highlight video on the NFL channel

Jacob Abraham

When ur so early that all the comments are 10 year olds saying fiRSt

    Julio Englasis



    Jacob Abraham I’m 10 and I don’t even say that 😂😂😂


    @Zentral False you commented it on the raiders 11-20 picks video


    Chance oh my bad but I do it rarely only when I have a chance my bad


    @Zentral just joking around

DDC Ball3R

NFL is my favorite sports channel ever thank u

Sky Clix

I love the nfl

Bmore Riseup

Lamar and Hollywood going to be a dangerous duo next year.

    Ravens Fan4

    Julio Englasis
    Mike Vick: “Am I a joke to you?”


    @Julio Englasis you just don’t like Lamar lmao. Vick lasted, Steve Young lasted, and Lamar is a better pocket passer than both of them

    Julio Englasis

    @Kyle Vick’s running dropped drastically later in his career, he was getting beaten up. He started to realize staying in the pocket was better for his career. And you’re putting young in the same category as them is disrespectful to them.


    Zaayan Hasan just cause he has an opinion doesn’t mean he doesn’t know football. It kinda seems like you don’t cause your just being a bias fan. Yeah it’s good to support your team but Lamar performed horribly in the playoffs hopefully he could pull it together it probably was too overwhelming for him


    Heisenberg 1238 trust me that playoff L is only something that will only make them a better team

Ravens Fan4

Ravens winning it all this year BOOK IT!

    Zaayan Hasan

    Yeah were winning all in the playoffs too

    Mr Clean

    @Zaayan Hasan Derrick Henry has entered the chat


    Mr Clean we have better defensive players now

Fingering Things ✔️

Man is an utter beast, don’t let the playoffs fool you

    Quinn Murphy

    Fingering Things ✔️ he is a great regular season qb


    @Quinn Murphy lol first full season and you talking. Your team must suck. unanimous MVP babbbbbyyy!!!! 36td most in league. 1300 rushing more than most HB!!!!! MUCH LOVE TO UUUU!!!

Krunchy Kazoo


Neon Noivern

2:57 did the commentator just say Lamarkable instead of remarkable

    Samuel Pfeffer


    Zaayan Hasan

    duh yes

    Brendan Southern

    thats the joke

Robert Funai

I just got home in time to see these highlights

Toasterhead 805

I love Lamar Jackson

Josh Engel

0:53 WOW thanks I never knew that.

    Kaikoa Smith

    Yeah I’m sure you didn’t know that in game 3. People didn’t start sucking lamar off until the end of the year

    Josh Engel

    Kaikoa Smith They knew that he was elusive they just thought he couldn’t throw.

We The North

This is pure entertainment. Lamar so fun watch

Keith James

I’m really glad Lamar won MVP and named the Madden 21 cover athlete. He deserves it.

    Ravens Fan4

    He could’ve gotten replaced for the cover. There’s a reason why that trailer featured mahomes instead of Lamar.

    Ravens Fan4

    Adam Funt shut up you BUM


    Adam Funt jealous



    Dylan The Legit

    @Adam Funt bruh did you even watch football this year he is a beast he deserves every single award he has been given


0:28 That Cardinals home opener game…might have been the best moment of my life 😢

A League Fan

2:21 is the best of them all.

Trévon Pernell

2:26-2:29 “OH! He broke his ankles!”

Jordan Davis

Damn look at 1:49. Jameis had a game with 1 td, and 5 picks lol

    Keymuandre Abdallah

    Yep he’s that good and bad


😍😍😍😍 my…….. Quarterback


The Chocolate Donut

Haven’t seen this many salts in the comment section on an MVP video since forever

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