LaFleur: ‘We will continue to attack with the same mindset’ – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Opi Okapi

Love you Coach 💗🧸 Happy New Year Stud 🎸💎📯🎺🥳

Lucas S

Rodgers playing Week 18 confirmed

Malonprowl66 Hec

Go & win game 18 & take that winning feeling into the play off’s.

D. S.

What LaFleur stated is so true” If you play the guys and they get hurt, why did you play them. If you rest your guys and they come out flat and you lose, why did you rest them” While that comment is obvious, the fans do not view the game through that common sense lens!


I really like his humility and his steadiness. He’s Green Bay through-and-through.

Javier Zamudio

Go Packers go Matt 💛💚🏆🏈🏟🇺🇸


Our starters need to play and thats only right.. Why rest them for 3 weeks to come out rusty once the playoffs start for us


Go pack go number one seed

Matt M

super bowl or bust!

Erick H

Packer fans let’s keep it positive none of this negative energy about getting somebody hurt in the last game of the year they gotta get a little work in & we don’t want a repeat of 2011 When the offense came out & was totally out of sync & what could go wrong would go wrong last play before halftime the giants score on a hial Mary

    Lisa Harris

    Agree 100%! Millions of fans thinking negatively or positively matters much more than people think. It’s energy!

Duhff Ncndhf

Jiare as a receiver would be awesome

Dro Smith

Ras Johnson is boring

Ryan Jaeger

As much as I do like Lafleur.. Everything he says is cliché and repetitive. He’s a great coach though!


Hands down coach of the year. There is no coach who has done more than LaFleur and he deserves it. Gutekunst should win the GM award if such a thing exists.

Bret Almos

He better get coach of the year. His humility and mindset is just second to none. No breaks or thinking ahead. Absolutely amazing head coach. Green Bay needs to keep him as long as humanly possible!

Just Bop

Matt LeFleur is

Just Bop

,att LeFleur is a great coach. He’s going to be legendary.

Lisa Harris

If the Packers get Zadarius and Jaire back at near full strength they’ll be very tough defensively. They get Bahktiari back at near full strength and look out!

11th Tribe

Whenever Rodgers retires I like moving ahead with Matt as coach

Christopher Karlecke

Great question by Aaron Nagler just past the halfway mark about the cold conditions affecting player performance..

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