LaFleur on Rodgers’ 443rd TD: ‘I got chills when that happened’ – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE



D needs to get it together or no Super Bowl

David Shafer

Just win baby! Clean it up and keep it moving

Cha Xiong

Needed to work on the Defensives running games.

Scotty P

Sometimes, a “Last dance,” is a bit erratic…

Scotty P

Listen! This was a beautiful win! If you don’t think so, you don’t known football.

    Brand Heat

    yeah, that final int no call was great. go refs

    Victor Villegas

    You must be blind

    Bruce Christianson

    A lot of butthurt Brown’s fans crying and blaming the refs.

Gina Lynn

Keep your foot on the gas all 4 quarters Matty….we won’t make it past week 2 in the playoffs otherwise

    Victor Sierra

    Totally agree. And ive seen Matt do this since he started. It kills me. Play the calls in away like you did in first half and wed be killing.


Before Rasul Douglass was making plays on the ball I noticed he was smacking guys and coming to play physically. I didn’t recognize the name and remember saying after seeing him hit his first game that he had potential and could ball. Amazing pick up

    Noe Lopez

    Exactly the same way i came to notice him.

    Benito Reyes

    Anything better than Kevin King tbh xD
    If king can play a nickle formation I think that suits him best we also lucked out with stokes on the outside
    And that balance has made the backend of our defense a lot better

Mister Goat

Not calling a time out at the goal to go and no one knows their assignment other than 29 should be a giant red flag…

    Mister Goat

    Time outs and challenges is the area that coach needs work. Do work. Be better. Or lose all the nfc championships.


When we beat Minnesota next Sunday, we will be the first team to ever win at least 13 regular season games for 3 straight years!!

    Lashay Smith

    The way packers play yesterday cant do that with Minnesota


    Baker Mayfield threw for 3 picks and still, the Browns came from behind and could have won the game. LET THAT SINK IN. WAKE UP GREENBAY!!! This is MOST concerning and yet, everyone seems to think the Farve TD record was more important. If GB play any playoff team the way they did with the Browns, GB will be a ” one-and-done” guarantee. Period! Our Vikings rival looks at this narrow escape victory and go, “oh yeah, we can definitely beat them again”. GB’s in for a rude awakening and let’s hope that’s before the playoff because this narrow escape win performance had “playoff choke” written all over it.

    Steven Tyler

    meaningless, ask the only team to go 16-0 regular season. In otherwords the packers will be the first losers with 13 wins 3 years in a row. Go Pack Losers Go !! LMOA !!!

James Allen

No more close games please!😂

Chriis Dangelo

The defense hadn’t play well in the last few games, they need to focus more and be more aggressive. You can’t depend on getting turnovers .

    Daniel Severson

    It’s the DB’s playing off the Receivers play in and play out!
    As i watched the game, it became totally clear to me! They gave ten yards cushions every time! Yes the Browns stacked the Receivers! They didn’t need to with the DB’s playing as they were.

    With only one defender within ten yards of the line of scrimmage two were clean releases every play!
    On a 3rd and 4, DB’s ten yds off! On a 3rd and 7, ten yards off on a 2nd and 10, ten yds off!

    That is all you need as a receiver to beat the defense, Is a clean release!

    2 or 3 receivers got a clean releases on every play! We got real lucky with all the interceptions and poor line play on passing downs by the Browns………..

    Pamela Smith

    agreed. Clark being out these last 2 weeks also really hurt us. he is a run stopper over the middle. also corners playing really soft maybe the lack of a pass rush hurt as well.

    Daniel Severson

    @Pamela Smith agreed!

    However it’s not only his being out! It’s a complete failure of our DB’s to be in position play after play! Total confusion on the back end has cost us in multiple game’s!

    Expunger Baby

    agreed, and eric stokes need to relax and learnn how to catch lol

Scott Howrey


Scott Howrey

How about putting some blame on this defense?? They should be criticized immensely in this press conference and players need to be held accountable and told so publicly for all to hear. They were awful against a average at best team and one with a make shift O-line by the Browns.

Eazy Breezy

I think a lot of the reason we don’t blow teams out like I would like to see a little more, seems like it never happens, but I think he believes if he does that he’s showing to much of his hand to other teams film wise. So he holds back, we prolly seen about 65 percent of what this offense can really do if he would just keep his foot on the gas! We are about to see alot of Dillion in the playoffs. He’s saving him. Which is smart cause when it’s cold and you got a rb that likes to hit, it makes the opposing d think a little more before they meet him in that hole! It’s going to be interesting to watch! Go pack go

    Daniel Severson

    The packers are not the only one’s with big pounding Running backs!
    We just went against one on the Browns and they ran for over 200 rushing yards!

    Tampa bay & Dallas! Both have big RB’s and they are not turning the ball over like the Browns!

    Our DB’ and LB’s were trying to hand tackle yesterday! Along with our DB’s playing off so much on passing downs,

    If they continue doing both we will not make the Superbowl this year either!

    Eazy Breezy

    So missed the point, the point is coach holds back on showing his whole hand like with his playbook and trying to save players so their fresh!

    Daniel Severson

    @Eazy Breezyat this point of the season there is little in the offensive play book that has not been seen! As far as the defense it is the same!

    As far as personel and alignment that is constantly changing and evolving around availability of the player’s!

    Yes! There are a few play’s he maybe holding off on. However they come out of the base formations we have already seen! It also has depended on what Aaron Rodgers has seen at the line of scrimmage as he has the ability to check out of those plays based on what the defense he see’s. He also has called play’s based on available personel!

    With young and inexperienced player’s on the field they tend not to call some plays that the player does not to know! That is particularly true with offensive linemen (tackles and guards).

Daniel Severson

Hey Packers one Question for you!

Has your staff looked into the possibility of creating a type of steel toe to protect Aaron’s toes on the foot of his broken pinky toe?

Composites are being used now and they are lightweight! All you would need to manufacture one is cad 3D renderings of Rodgers foot and the shoe he wears on that foot both inside and out! It could be done with in several day’s with a 3D printer with an industrial composite.

If steel plates can be used for turf toe why not a cover to protect broken toe’s?

    John Pritzlaff

    I’m guessing it would probably have to be something that still allows all the toes (even the broken one) to flex and bend a bit. But you still got my like 👍

    Daniel Severson

    @John Pritzlaff they could also have him go a half size up in shoe, to give more room for the steel toe. There is some flexibility in design, depending on what Aaron feels comfortable with and what work’s.

    I myself wear a size 9 Wide in street shoes. However in steel toe work shoes, I wear a 9 1/2 Wide to allow room for my toes.


    idk if its the case in this situation but the league has super particular and strict equipment rules especially with cleats so they may not be allowed to do that

    Daniel Severson

    @Hoss20 they should look into it either way. It could not only help Aaron Rodgers but other player’s who may need something close to it. Down the line. They may be able to come up with a better type of protection. Maybe even Soft air filled bladder that would be soft except would be stiff enough to stop the kleet from hitting the toe with full force if stepped on?

    These men can make hundreds of thousands to millions for playing this game. They should be out there playing if at all possible. If they want our butts in the stadium seats or on our behinds infront of the TV watching from home!

Pamela Smith

love this coach, what a step up from MM


    Funny you said that because if I didn’t know any better, I’d say it was Mike McCarthy that’s calling the plays on the second half of that game. Packers should be more concern how GB almost lost had it not been for that terrible no holding call by the refs. Baker Mayfield threw for 3 picks and still, the Browns came from behind and could have won the game. LET THAT SINK IN. Our Vikings rival looks at this narrow escape victory and go, “oh yeah, we can definitely beat them again”. GB’s in for a rude awakening and let’s hope that’s before the playoff because this narrow escape win performance had “playoff choke” written all over it.


    they might meet in a few weeks with a Superbowl on the line.

Michael Ray Jr.

I love close games but I don’t. Go Pack Go!!


Great win packers! Go pack go

Benito Reyes

When Lafleur got hired I couldn’t fathom it I was so mad, but the more time passes the more I admire him humbling down and not only being a coach but he’s also like a teamate, the way he let’s Rodgers input in game plans asks his opinion and genuinely respects him and knows that no one knows better than the qb on the field, I love the way he’s handled things the last 3 yrs, hope he gets the recognition and respect he deserves !

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