LaFleur Discusses Need For Packers To ‘Balance Being A Football Player & Tackling Racial Injustices’ – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Kayden Karr





Neal on the flag and this 56 year old packer fan who has been a fan since I was 6 will never watch or be a fan and hope the NFL goes bankrupt. I`m done with NBA and baseball. you guys play a game and get payed very well. Our flag should not be use as a tool. Show the respect for the blood spilled for our Flag. Your a teacher so it starts with you, teach the respect for those who died.


    I agree with ya, but I have no idea who’s this Neal guy.

    Andre Durao

    You are so intelligent….


    NFL will not go bankrupt. It’s too great of a sport. It transcends the kneeling unlike the snooze fest of baseball and basketball

Matin V

Dont worry Matt , I give you 3 yrs and you will be gone…

John Kamperschroer

Please fire the GM, and Coach. Jordan Love is not the heir apparent/successor. You really mean to tell us fans that you moved up for a mediocre QB at best? You should have been getting Aaron help mot this. You guys truly made us the laugjing stock, ESPN is already reporting how slow of a learner he is smh

Ben Chrisoit

Yeah I’m not watching them play this year if they are gonna whine about fake injustices and push a lame narrative. Just play football.


Go packers

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