Kirk Cousins: We’re Still Chasing a Strong Four Quarter Performance as a Team – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
AtheismRules ☠️

Captain Kirk

Pᴀᴡɴ S𝜏ᴀʀ𝕤 ✯🇫​ᴀɴ

giants will be part of the “Shtang Gang” after Saturday

Pᴀᴡɴ S𝜏ᴀʀ𝕤 ✯🇫​ᴀɴ

Kirk has stork legs


I hope they win so that way the boys can bring Kirko’s brand new chain they got him for Christmas out and he can wear it for the press conference

Pᴀᴡɴ S𝜏ᴀʀ𝕤 ✯🇫​ᴀɴ

is Kirk going through puberty?

Keng Yang

Viking history….let’s prepare to lose to any crappy team ….no guts no glory vikes…this liberal MN luck gonna end soon…

danny yang

Let’s win another game on Saturday against the Giant Skol

Hoang Nguyen

I hope it doesn’t snow. Kirk won’t be able to see his WRs.

The Life Of David

My best friend and myself watch football all week together, he loves the giants and I’m a vikes fan! We have both decided that we will prob watch this sat game at our own homes lol! Super anxious

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