Keys to the Game: Week 3 Pittsburgh Steelers vs Houston Texans – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE


W. Dearth

Merril is in tremendous shape.

Chris Suppers

dude juju isnt getting enough targets at this rate, he might barely get a thousand yards. Just waiting for the game were he gooes for a 152 yards, 2 tds, and his signature 97 yard touchdown

    Samuel walton

    Yeah I also want that for fantasy

    Ryan Irwin- Diehl

    He’s not getting a 97 yarder when he’s a #1 receiver. Too much attention from safeties and corners

    Chris Suppers

    @Ryan Irwin- Diehl i know but they have to worry a bout diontae and washington with a little claypool mixed in. by the end of the season will be 15-1 with 4 recievers over a thousand. Have faith


    @Chris Suppers 15-1. LOL

Samuel walton

Battle of the watts

    Gia Pacella

    Yep x

    sayge mize


Cj the kid Wilson

This game will definitely be a win for us.

    Ryan Irwin- Diehl

    Nothing is guaranteed

    Lou V44

    You think? We are going to get their best desperate at 0-2 and just played two great teams will be tough


    @Lou V44 Finally someone who gets it

    Joey Finch

    So if we lose can I blame you?

Gia Pacella

The Watts – JJ TJ Derrick x

Gia Pacella

Edmonds the playmaker!


    LMAO. He’s made 1 play since he’s been here.


Is Bob using “beauty mode” on his webcam? My man looks like a AI avatar version of himself


The dumb penalties definitely need to stop, that really hurt us a lot last week and if they don’t clean up some of the dumb mistakes it’s going to start hurting us more and more. That being said, Minkah had an uncharacteristically bad game in that regard last weekend, and I think he’s way too good to let himself keep doing that. We haven’t really seen much from him yet, so I would like to see him have his breakout of the season since he’s going to be a huge part of our secondary being a top tier group, as well as our CBs definitely need to step it up as well. People can underrate them all they want but we do have a good secondary if they can build on last season, and even TE got that game winning sack for us last week. Go Steelers!

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