Kevin Stefanski: “Win, lose, or draw we have to learn from every game” – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

Need to update your playbook coach.. you’ve got players that have to be used better.. use to their abilities not cram them into what you wanna do , it’s ridiculous. We’re predictable. Need to plan for come back games.. we lose the lead and then crumble .. not good

    Greg Cunningham

    The Offense is not at all predictable. It’s just we can connect on 3rd down’s. Usually it’s due to drops or overthrows, so it has next to nothing to do with play calling.

    John Gerrard

    How often do you see receivers running free against us? How often do you see our receivers running free? He isn’t fooling anyone he has become predictable


    @John Gerrard I’ve been on this rant since week 3. When you see other offenses, qbs aren’t struggling to find open receivers. Either name can’t read post snap defense or Stefanski offense has become predictable. I’ll say this much, when I see 88 motion to the backfield as fb, I have a pretty good idea of what’s coming and I don’t have scouting reports. He needs to let AVP call plays.


    His play calling has been so conservative it makes me wanna buy my ol lady one of those long Blue Jean Mennonite women’s skirts that goes down to her ankles. Open it the fk up coach George Clooney

Liberty Outdoor Adventures

From hero to zero in one year.


    @Liberty Outdoor Adventures Joe woods play calling sucks. Fkn blitz some. Joe should been gone 2 years ago, better yet never hired. 😊

    Jim Harris

    @B K Some people will hate to the end no matter what because they don’t want to be wrong. Go Browns no matter who is at QB.

    Tim G

    @Soza With QBs so hard find? Not likely.


    @Tim G w.e dude baker is average with Attitude

Dom Rick

“i gOtTa wAtCh tHe FilM aNd bE bEtTeR”

    Tim G

    Aaagggghhhh….!!! Straight outta the Hue Jackson playbook!!!! SWEET MUTHA OF GAWD!


    @Tim G Hue Jackson never won 5 games the whole ten years he was here though. Let’s be like George Michael and gotta have faith faith faith.

    Tim G

    @Will Hue Jackson didn’t have this level of talent!

Thomas Wood

5:30 u fucked up. So basically u switchin between the injured excuse when u don’t even use the healthy wrs like that. I swear b4 Dpj ppl was sayin HIGGINS was better than Obj. Remember that Baker Higgins “connection”😭😭💀💯 Yea I’m woke now

JSamHri 03

That just means you better get used to us losing a lot again.

Graham Huston

We have definitely got the losing down pat.

    Tim G

    Yep. 20 years of practice will do that!

Deeze Nutz


    Paa Hawkins


Dana Thomas

Let’s learn from every play.


It’s ok coach you not going nowhere already kno what’s the next move


Wasn’t this interview yesterday lol

Double RD

Ballhog baker would say he’s good to play with broken arms and legs, send in keenum

James Reinig

I was waiting for his hoodie string to fall off his shoulder for like 6 and a half minutes 😂

Stevie Hennacy

Let’s stay positive. As an organization,as team,as players, and definitely as fans

    Tim G

    I’m all for staying positive. But that requires a good reason…and right now there is none.


    @Tim G Plenty to be thankful and positive for. Hue Jackson isn’t here anymore, OBJOFF cancer is gone. Brandon Weddon and or Brock osweiler isn’t our QB. I’ll take Baker as a quadriplegic rolling up on us like Christopher Reeves as our quarterback instead of going through the stuff we had to go through from 99 to 2019. Be more like Magic be +

    Scott Hall

    @Tim G Totally agree.

Q Horton

Thank you for asking about Higgins

Bo James James

Same ole answers every week🙄


The only thing more cliché than a Stefanski press conference is his offensive play calling on Sundays.


Yet you run the same sorry scheme that everyone else you play know what you’re running. Doesn’t seem like you’re “learning” much..btw S. Diggs says what up

Scott Hall

“Taking shots at Joe Woods.”??
LOL…. these reporters keep getting worse and worse. We’re not “taking shots”, we’re being honest about Joe. Now stop trying to be his PR team, and do your freakin jobs!

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