Kevin Stefanski: “We need to turn the page quickly” | Press Conference – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

There’s no fixing this season. Deshawn Watson looked better. Again what put in a backup QB when your paying Deshawn. Penalties,Poor Defense, Poorly Run Team. Time To Fire Some Coaching Staff. Sick Of The Bullshit EXCUSES

    Ernest Baddger



    @Ernest Baddger took me a minute. 👍

Chris Lindsey

I like he goes on 4th. Just got to fix the 4th and 1 play calling

    Eric Pelton

    I like it also but not with him calling plays like you said. Get rid of him or at least give up play calling

Hazi 59

The amount of regression this team has shown since 2020 is alarming. I’ve been a supporter of Stefanski, but enough is enough. There is talent on this team, but talent still needs development through coaching, and that isn’t happening (with the exception of DPJ). Why you kept running the ball towards DJ Reader is beyond me. Froholdt getting destroyed is also getting very old.

    Andy Bales

    If u noticed…they didn’t run Chubb straight was always a slant to a side, which isn’t Chubbs strong style of run

B Jarbo

They just don’t seem to know what to do with their talent.


9 penalties almost 100 yards come on Coach your team is an undisciplined mess and that’s on you


    Penalties are often a reflection of poor coaching.


    Freddie Kitchens Home opener v Titans comes to mind


24 hours later Kevin still calling running plays directly into dj reader

    Gary Akbar

    Are we gonna act like that’s not the 4th string center…lol

Mark Bowman

Don’t even want to see Stefanski’s face again until Joe Woods and Preifer are fired and he then gets a play calling OC


It’s too late to “turn the page”, Kevin. You are just not a good play caller, period.
You made too many “questionable calls” throughout the season, I don’t think you know what you are doing.
I hope this is the last season I see this coaching staff (especially Joe Woods). I lost all my respect and faith in them.


He’s getting more defensive with non-answers .. Shrugging his shoulders a little when he gets a real question , of course while not answering anything .. It’s time for him to go


    I love Kevin but I think your right he’s definitely not the greatest coach

    Chris Guastaferro

    He’s not on the hot seat quite yet. Two things will determine his fate. The most obvious being Watson and how Kevin constructs the offence for him. Second if for some odd reason he keeps Joe Woods And Mike Priefer on the coaching staff. I think he’s still the right coach for the Browns. But if he turns out to be not I’ll take that L

Ernest Baddger

He Always Out Smarts Himself, Once Again, He Needs A Offensive Coordinator. PERIOD


It’s important, as a Browns fan, to have reached the required amount of apathy by this point in the season in order watch and/or follow the team. We’re basically in the 2023 preseason at this point.

    Domenic Vitanza

    every year its a new excuse after 23 years of losing it takes its toll

HumbleHands TV

Maybe let’s stop turning the page quick. Let’s stay on that page n learn from it

HumbleHands TV

We the only team that loses a whole position group to injuries. Like all the starters n second strings. 2yrs ago – DBS. Last year – DLine/Oline – this year – LBS


We turn the page so fast, we dont learn what we are doing wrong. We hear the same answers every week. He cant motivate anyone, time for a change


    yep, he clearly is not aware of what we see. put him back in the basement

Savon Collins

Kevin should answer the question as to what was going through his mind when he decided to take out his starting QB who is mobile on 4-1. To put in a back up QB and throw a pretty tough ball

    Galen Kincaid

    I’m still wondering bro damn 😂

Mark Micco

Im not buying another ticket if this guy is still our head coach. Im sick as hell of him being the other team’s 12th man. Its not going to change.

    K A



“We need to turn the page quick” seems like the page is getting turned too fast, this guy doesn’t learn from his mistakes.

Tony Ray

There comes a time where you have to turn the page and close the book. Plan for 2023, get a new defensive coordinator.

Imperial Bengal

There is some relief in knowing the season is over, no anxiety every week


Thanks for a fun and inspiring season Kevin. Great job on your third attempt.

    K A

    💯💯💯 Browns passed on him on the 1st interview yrs ago.. should have done the same again


    @K A Freddie Kitchens could have done more in three friggin years DAMN that was bad.

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